My Stalker

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Chapter Three
Oh my god. I quickly untied Lucas's feet and got him down from the tree. Then, I took out my phone and dialed 911. They would shut down the party but who cares. This boy could be dead!

The operator picked up and asked the general questions. Where I was, what happened, and who all was there that witnessed.

I didn't tell them about the note or text messages I received though. I couldn't. They would ask more questions and things would get worse. And if someone was out to get me, it would piss them off knowing I told the police.

After ten minutes, the cops showed up. They shut down the party and came searching for me. The paramedics ran to Lucas's side and told me they could take it from there.

The police officer made me follow him to his car and started asking me questions. "I'm going to need you to write down a statement for the station, okay?"

"That's fine. I just hope he's okay."

"Don't worry kid, we'll find out who done this." He handed me a sheet of paper. "Just turn this in to us tomorrow."

I shook my head yes and turned to see Max running up to me. He was wearing the same clothes he had when we arrived. His hair looked a bit damp though. "Tyler, are you okay?" He managed to ask.

The nerve of him. He's asking me if I was okay after watching him practically skinny dip with some random dude AND finding a body in the forest? I couldn't help but give him a blank face.

"Why don't you ask that boy you were getting all cozy with by the pool?" I crossed my arms and turned to walk away but stopped when he grabbed my wrist.

"Tyler, it was nothing."

I pulled my wrist back and pointed my finger at him. I made sure that our faces were close to each other. "Don't you even try it Max. I gave you chance after chance. Karen didn't like you after the first time. I had to convince her that you changed. So you go do this again?"

I could see his eyes get glossy from the tears forming in his eyes. He was speechless. "Bye Max." As I turned to walk away, I looked over my shoulder. "Don't forget your give him a goodnight kiss for me."

Tears ran down my cheeks as I stormed off. I couldn't help but cry. It hurt me too much to do anything. All I wanted to do was head home and sleep.

I fell to the ground, yet again. I laid there staring at the night sky. The night air felt good on my skin. Then, I shut my eyes and let all of my worries disappear.

My eyes fluttered open as the sun blinded my vision. I quickly stretched and sat up, looking around the room I was in. Wait, a bedroom? I stood up out of bed and looked around me.

It looked to be Karen's bedroom. "Karen?" I called out. I jumped as soon as she popped her head through the doorway and walked in.

"Hey, good morning."

"What happened?" I asked, still very much confused from last night.

"Well, I was walking down the sidewalk with Ben and found you passed out in Zoey Palenski's front yard. I was drunk, but Ben wasn't so he helped bring you back over here."

I sighed. "Thank you."

Karen rubbed my back before getting up. "Let's go downstairs. My parents aren't home so we can make coffee and talk."

I followed her downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table. Karen fixed us our coffee and handed me little sugar packets.

My brain kept replaying everything that's happened within the last 24 hours. From the texts to the party, I was all over the place. Hopefully talking to Karen will help take some stress away.

My Stalker [Boyxboy]  Where stories live. Discover now