My Stalker

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Chapter Fourteen
I opened my eyes and noticed that I was in a room. I adjusted my eye sight on the furniture and felt my mouth form into a smile. I was in a hospital room and very much felt alive.

The monitors were beeping beside me. I looked around and saw flowers with cards sitting on the little counter next to my bed. A tear fell down my cheek from happiness. I thanked god that I was alive and in safe condition.

As I sat up, I felt a pain in my side. I looked down and saw a bandage one of my wounds. It dawned on me that Karen did all this to me and my friends. I blinked twice before remembering someone.

"I have to find Max." I muttered to myself.

I got up from my hospital bed and started to make my way out of the door. Looking around, I tried to find the nurses front desk to ask where my "friend" was located, leaning against the wall for comfort.

Once I spotted the front desk, the lady that was in charge flashed me a toothless grin. "Hello dear, is there any reason you are out of your room?"

I shot her a confused look. "I'm Tyler. I'm just looking for my boyfriend Max. We were involved in this incident..."

The nurse, whose name tag read Jackie, put on her spectacles and started typing on her keyboard. "You said incident, correct? What kind of incident?"

I sighed as I tried to remember. "I don't remember much. Just that I was abducted and taken into this really dark building with my fr-"

Suddenly, nurse Jackie clapped her hands together. "That's right. Yes, you can go see your friend Max. He's a few doors down from yours. Just find room 319."

I thanked her before heading back down the hall I came from. Looking around, I counted down the numbers. My eyes lit up as I spotted room 319, Max's name on a piece of paper that was taped onto the door. I opened the door and saw him laying down in bed.

"Tyler." He called out as he watched me walk in.

I sat down next to him and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

He squeezed my hand. Max wasn't in good condition. He had scratch marks and bandages all over his face. When I looked down, I spotted more scratches on his thigh. Oh my god.

A tear fell down my cheek, but Max wipes it away. "Don't cry Tyler."

"Why shouldn't I? Our friends are dead. Karen is nuts, Max. The things that she told me, the things that she's done to all those people just because of me. This is all my fault."

He tried to sit up, wincing from the pain. His hand touched my chin, lifting it up as he kissed my lips. I pulled away and placed my forehead on top of his. "I thought I lost you for good to that psychotic bitch."

"Tyler, I love you. We got this. We are in this together and will only come back stronger." He smiled. "I'm also taking you out after all this crazy crap is all over."

I smiled and shook my head yes. "I would love that a lot Max."

The door made a creaking sound as it opened, which cause me to jump. As I looked to see who it was walking in, I heard a soft voice say, "You can't be in here."

"I'm sorry, can you give me a few more minutes please? I just got in here"

The nurse walked up to me and grabbed my arm. She squeezed it tightly as she brought me out, making a bruise.

"Wha are you doing?" I asked.

"Cmon, I'll help you to your room."

As she led me out, I turned back to see Max smiling at me. His smile made me feel warm inside. It was nice seeing him in good condition. I just hope this would all end already.

Once we got to my room, I got in my bed and the watched as the nurse headed to the door. Out of nowhere, something told me this wasn't right. This felt off.

When I turned to see if the nurse was still there, a set of hands grabbed me by my throat. My eyes widened in horror as I watched Karen try to choke me. My hands hit her face as she forced her hands against my throat.

"Why won't you die Tyler!"

I started to choke as she wrapped her hands tighter against my throat. I pressed my thumb against her eye and pushed hard until she let go. She fell to the ground, crying in agony.

I walked out of the room and leaned against a wall in the hallway. Where the fuck were the nurses or doctors patrolling the floor? Behind me, I heard Karen's laughter fill the room.

"What are you? Stupid?" She questioned.

I ignored her and just kept going. I turned back to see that she was carrying a pistol in her hand. Karen tried shooting at me but I dodged the bullet and ran inside an empty room.

I looked around and hid inside a cabinet. "Try to keep quiet." I whispered to myself. I heard the door slowly open.

"Tyler, I know your in here."

I covered my mouth. I'm either going to die or live. I spotted her feet as she walked around the room. I kicked her in the shin and watched as she fell. Before I could go anywhere, she grabbed me by my arm.

"Oh you are not going anywhere." She threatened.

I winced and noticed Max walking inside of the room. I tried not to let Karen notice what I've seen. Max grabbed a defibrillator and slowly made his way towards her. She pointed the gun towards me and smiled.

"I'm done with you Tyler. This is how it ends."

I gave her a blank stare. "Are you serious? Why Karen? What happened to us? Don't you remember all the fun times we've had together?"

Giving it some thought, Karen shook her head, keeping the gun pointed at me. "I'm done playing games. You are dead to me." She cocked the gun and tilted her head. "Any last words before I end your pathetic little life?"

I gulped. "Yes. Clear."

She shot me a confused look and laughed. "Clear? You're about to die and all that you have to say is clear?"

"Clear!" Max yelled and pressed the defibrillator against her skull.

I watched as she started to shake from the shock. I started backing away as she fell down to the ground. I looked at Max, who dropped the defibrillator and froze from shock. I walked up to him, not taking my eyes off of the body in front of me.

"We did it Max. She's gone." I kissed his forehead and started smiling as he fell into my arms. It's all over. Karen is finally gone.

My Stalker [Boyxboy]  Where stories live. Discover now