My Stalker

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Chapter Six
I froze in my position, confused. The knife that was used on me felt like rubber. Looking up at the person in front of me, they pulled off the mask and started laughing. I gasped and shoved Ben against the wall. "Ben! You asshole!"

He laughed as I stared up at him. I glanced over to Karen who did not seem to be taking this as some sort of joke. I have never been so scared in my entire life until this night. Ben knew what was going on decided to joke around about it. It pissed me off.

I walked up to Karen and wrapped her in a hug. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." She grabbed my arm, her body trembling.

"I fooled you guys, didn't I? It was hilarious! I mean, the window and the thump upstairs."

He started laughing and I shot him a cold stare. "That phone call scared us. Why did you do it knowing all that has happened?"

Ben's face went from being bright to dim as he glared at the ground. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to try and brighten up everyone's mood. Get a laugh out of you guys."

I rubbed Karen's arm in comfort. My best friend was shaking so bad that it made my anxiety worse than it was before. Ben took Karen into his arms and rubbed her back. He looked at me confused. "You said phone call, correct?"

I looked up and saw that he seemed genuinely confused. "Yeah, that phone call you made that started all this."

"I don't recall making a phone call to you guys. I snuck up to Karen's bedroom and hid until you guys walked upstairs." He grabbed a few pieces of popcorn and tossed it into his mouth.

I stood there in shock. If Ben didn't make that phone call, then who did? The more that I thought about it, the more my stomach tightened into a knot. I could not understand everything that was going on. It all seemed to be happening so fast that I can't even pinpoint it out myself.

"Well if you didn't make that phone call, who did?" I asked softly.

Ben let go of Karen, looking around the room. "What did they say?"

Before we could say anything, the front doorbell rang. We all jumped at the sound and slowly turned towards the front door. If I could die from a heart attack, now would be that time. It was beating so fast that I thought it would explode in my chest.

"You guys wait right here. I'm gonna look through the peephole and see who it is."

We nodded our heads and watched Ben slowly make his way to the front door. This felt like a horror movie and we were the next victims. Ben's hand touched the lock on the door and he began to unlock it. As he opened the door, we flinched but shared confused looks as no one appeared to be outside the doorway.

Ben walked out and looked around to see if he can find a trace of anyone. Unfortunately, he found nothing that shown someone was out there. Just as my heart was starting to slow down, it rose back up as a dark hooded figure jumped out at Ben.

Ben quickly closed the door as the figure tried to get in. "Y'all go upstairs and hide!"

As I grabbed Karen's arm, she tugged it away. "No, not without you."

Ben held the door shut and locked it. "Karen, go. I'll be fine." He stared at his girlfriend, who did not seem to move. "Go!" He yelled at us.

I took Karen's arm and we ran upstairs to her parent's bedroom. It was huge and had a lot of good spots to hide in. I looked around to try and find somewhere to hide. I spun around as I heard Ben's blood-curdling cries for help. Karen tried to run, but I grabbed her arm. "We need to hide," I told her.

She looked at me and nodded. As we heard their footsteps come up the stairs, I quickly closed the door. I locked it by placing the closet door against it. Karen and I used to always do that when we played hide and seek so no one could try to find us.

"Hide under the bed. " I pointed and watched as Karen kneeled down to scoot underneath the bed. I followed right behind her and took her hand into mine. The door handle made noise as someone tried to get in but shortly after they stopped. Then there was a loud thud against the door. It sounded as if they were throwing their body at the doot. Suddenly, we heard the door creak open.

I felt Karen's body shake from fear. I squeezed her hand to reassure her that we would not let anything happen to us. I saw a pair of black combat boots walk around the room in search of us. I held my hand against Karen's mouth to keep her from making any noise.

The person then stopped by the bed and slowly bent down. Before they could get to us, a car door was heard from outside the house. They ran out of the room and left us behind. We stayed underneath the bed until we knew for sure that this person was gone.

"Karen? Tyler?" It sounded like Karen's mom. "Oh my god, Ben!"

We heard footsteps coming from up the stairs. Karen and I got up and saw her mom run to us. "Karen, Tyler, are you okay? What happened?"

"Mom, someone broke into the house and tried attacking us," Karen whispered. She wiped her face from tears and wrapped her hand around her arm. Karen snapped her fingers in front of her mom's face as she stood there in shock. "Mom, we need to get help!"

Once her mom broke her gaze, she took Karen in her arms. We made our way downstairs as quickly as we could. I turned to them and made sure that they called the police. Karen's mom went outside to make the call and Karen sat down by Ben.

Karen sobbed as she held Ben in her arms. His lifeless body from the person that tried attacking us. I tried not to look at Ben but couldn't help it. He did nothing wrong to anyone. Ben had a bright future ahead of him and now that all changed because somebody was out to get me and my friends. I was sure of it.

I turned my head as I made my way to the kitchen and saw the body of the person that tried attacking me and my friends on the ground. They started twitching as I bent down next to them. My first initial thought was to run away, but I had to see who that was. They laid face down on the ground, not moving.

Before I could do anything, I heard Karen's soft voice coming from the front door. "Tyler, are you okay?" Karen asked.

I turned around and looked at her. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Right as I turned back around, the body was gone. What the hell? Whatever was going on gave me a weird feeling in my chest. First the messages, then Lucas being found in the forest, Max being attacked, and now this? When will everything go back to normal?

I wanted to worry about school, my relationships with my family and friends, what colleges I would apply to for next year. I did not want to worry about someone trying to come after me and my loved ones.

Then, a voice from behind me asked, "What happened here?"

I turned around and spotted a police officer standing by the doorway. His name tag read 'Jeoff' in gold print. He walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Kid, what happened?"

A tear fell down my cheek and I managed to whisper, "I-I don't know sir. I think they're after me."

The officer looked at me with a confused look. "Who is?"

I looked deep into his eyes and managed to say, "My stalker."

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