My Stalker

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Chapter Nine
I looked at everyone who had their eyes glued onto me. Ben's mom had wanted me to say a few special words for Ben. I cleared my throat before speaking up. "Ben was the sweetest guy I ever have known. Whenever I was sad or depressed, he would make silly faces just to see me laugh. When I would be angry, he'd want to know who it was that pissed me off so he could give them a piece of his mind. If I needed someone, he was there for me."

I fought back the tears that formed underneath my eyes and continued on. "I remembered how this guy was trying to throw me in a dumpster after I came out. He called me a worthless faggot and said how I deserved to be where I belonged. But Ben came to my rescue and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine." I got a few people to chuckle in the crowd before going on. "He didn't deserve to die. Ben should've lived a full life. Only the good die young and Ben is someone that we will never forget. We will always remember you, Ben."

I walked away as I finished my speech and sat down next to Karen. She placed her hand on mine and gave me a little smile before staring up at Father Quinton, who was in charge of today's services. After everything was finished, I spotted Kyle walking towards me. Then, I soon spotted Max in crutches walking towards me as well. This did not look good.

"Hey, what's this guy doing here?" Max questioned.

Kyle bucked up to Max. "Why don't you get lost?"

"Guys, stop. What is the matter with you two? You both are fighting over me like I'm some piece of property being pawned off. This is Ben's funeral and I cannot believe you both are taking the time to fight right now." I stared at Max. "Max, please go. I don't want to do this right now."

He stared at me, and then Kyle. "Sure, I'll call you later." He walked right past me and I heard him say something to Kyle. "He is mine so back off, or else."

I sighed and looked around to find Karen, but froze once Kyle grabbed my wrist and spun me around. "Tyler, I really like you... A lot, and I want to be with you."

"Kyle, I like you and all, but I need some space right now. With everything going on with Ben's death and trying to find out who is causing all this to happen, I can't put anyone else's life in danger." I stood on my tippy toes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. I stared into his eyes and smiled. "I'm sorry Kyle. I'll see you around. I promise."

I walked away and took in a deep breath. This day just keeps getting more frustrating by the second. My eyes scanned the property in search of Karen. The sky was turning a dark grey and the sound of thunder rumbling could be heard all over town. I wanted to find Karen so we can head back home before it would start pouring down.

"Karen!" I called as I found her sitting down on a park bench all by herself. Her brown hair blew with the wind as she stared at the ground with tears running down her face. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back until she was finally able to speak.

"Tyler, remember what happened at my house?" She asked. Before I could speak, she continued. "Well, the person who attacked me upstairs wasn't Ben. I know that because they were really trying to hurt me."

My stomach turned in disbelief. I managed to stutter, "Yo-you saw who it was?"

She nodded. "I think it was Kyle."

My heart fell to my feet. Kyle? No, it couldn't be true. Kyle would never do anything like that to anyone. "It wasn't-"

She interrupted me. "It was, I know it. This is what happened."

Karen's POV
I ran behind Tyler downstairs, but a set of hands grabbed my hair and pulled me up. I heard the door shut and saw a dark figure holding me down, pinning me by my shoulders. "Let go!" I cried and hit the person in the face with my fist.

They slapped me and grabbed me by my neck. As I gasped for air, my hand reached up towards the person's face and lifted the person's hood. "Oh my god."

My eyes stared into the eyes of no one other than Kyle.

He stared into my eyes and said four words that struck me hard. "Tell Tyler and you die."

Then, he let go of me and ran off. I didn't get to see where he ran off to because everything was a blur. I heard Tyler's voice as he came upstairs to try and help me.

Tyler's POV

"So, you knew about this and didn't even bother telling me? What were you thinking by not telling me?"

She looked into my eyes with a look of guilt. "I-I was trying to protect you. And he said if I told you, he would kill me."

Those words stung me like a knife in my back. Why Kyle? Maybe it's not him. Everything that night happened so fast that I don't even remember half of it. She could be telling the truth. I do not see why Karen would make up something like that, especially knowing all that has happened between us.

I took out my phone and tapped on Kyle's name to text him.

"Me: Can we talk? Sorry bout what I said."

"Kyle: Sure, my place?"

I gulped. If it is Kyle, then he wouldn't hurt me. From the first day we met, I knew he had some sort of interest in me. For a split second, I thought that he and I had a chance together. But after what Karen had told me, I needed to stand ground. I have to find out what his intentions are.

I glanced over at Karen, who started to leave with her mother. If it is him, and Karen is telling the truth, then I need to know why he was doing this. This person is harming me and my friends.

I clicked the text box and read the text I had typed up before sending it.

"Me: Okay. Send the address and I will be there."

Taking a deep breath, I pressed send and started making my way to my car.

OMG guys, do ya'll think that Tyler is doing the right thing? Do ya'll think Kyle is the unknown killer? Read the next chapter to see what's gonna happen when Tyler talks to Kyle. Read, comment, and vote.

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