My Stalker

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Chapter Eight
My eyes fluttered open as the sun woke me up from my night's sleep. I felt more at ease with myself than I have since this all happened. I'm glad that the police are going to get more involved with this mess. I wanted to tell them about the threatening messages I have been getting, but I did not want to make things worse.

I heard a tiny knock on my door and saw my mom pop her head through the crack of my door. She covered her eyes as she walked in. "Is it safe?"

I chuckled. "Yes mom, you can come in."

My mom smiled as she made her way to my bed and sat down at the edge. "Ty, are you okay? I know everyone keeps asking but as you mother I need to know if you genuinely feel like everything is okay."

I sighed before responding. "No mom. I'm not okay. This is all stressing me out and making me feel so scared. I want everything to go back to normal but I am afraid that normal doesn't even exist to me anymore."

She rubbed my shoulder. "Don't worry Tyler. Everything is going to be okay. You are safe here. No one can get you. You need some rest. Why don't you stay home today? It would be healthier for you to stay in bed for a day or two to relax."

I nodded before rolling over. "I love you, mom."

She kissed my head before walking out of my bedroom. As I starting to sink underneath the covers, I thought about poor Ben, my best guy friend. He was the one who introduced me to Max during our sophomore year. He was the first guy that I felt comfortable hanging out with after I came out. It broke me the more I thought about him.

I started to cry as I shut my eyes. Then, I myself fall into a deep sleep.

Days have passed since the whole incident had happened. Ben's funeral was today and I wasn't sure if I could handle the fact that they were burying my best friend. This was all too much to process right now.

"Tyler, wake up sweetie." My eyes fluttered open and I watched as my mom sat on the edge of my bed. I got up and rubbed my eyes. "You need to get ready for Ben's funeral."

I shot her a smile before watching her leave me alone in my room. I walked into my closet and grabbed my suit hanging from my closet door but paused when I spotted a picture of me, Max, Karen, and Ben. We were posing in a few pictures that we took in a photo booth at some carnival two years ago. Then, a sudden memory came to me.

Max and I were walking beside Karen and Ben as Ben was telling us some dumb, yet funny story about the time his dad brought him fishing and they knocked the boat over.

"You're serious?" Max asked.

Ben laughed and wrapped his arm around Karen."Yup, it all happened at Lake Beaumont."

As we were having our fun picking on Ben about his terrible fishing experiences, he spotted a photo booth and pointed towards it. "Why don't we take some pictures to remember this amazing day."

We all smiled and followed him inside the booth. We all made goofy faces as we posed on front of the camera. The space was small so it was rather uncomfortable, but the photos came out pretty decent. As soon as we were done, Ben grabbed the picture and smiled.

"Sweet." He looked at me and handed me one strip of the photos.

"I can't take this Ben. You paid for them, they're yours."

He placed it in my hand and smiled."It's ok. You need it more than me."

I smiled and gave him a quick hug.

After I was ready, I walked down the hallway and found my mom preparing herself for the funeral. "Mom," I said taking my keys off the counter, "can I ride with Karen? She needs a friend right now."

My mom smiled and shook her head yes. "If there is anyone that she would need right now, that person would be you."

I smiled back and ran out the door to drive to Karen's house. When I arrived, I noticed the police tape by her front door. It must be hard for her to have all this happen in her home. Since her house is part of a crime scene, Karen and her mom was advised to stay in the little camper they had outside until further notice.

I walked over to the camper and knocked on the door. I was greeted by Karen's mom who looked like she has not been sleeping. I don't blame her for not wanting to sleep. This all seems so surreal. "Hello, Tyler," Karen's mom said as she opened the door, "I'm glad you're here. Karen won't get out of her bed. Can you go try and talk to her?"

I nodded my head yes and went over to Karen's bed. "Karen," I whispered as I stared at her. "come on, we have to go to Ben's funeral."

She groaned and sat up. Her eyes were puffy and red. I felt so bad for my best friend. She did not expect to be having her boyfriend's funeral right now. None of us were expecting to watch Ben get buried today. Karen stared at me and pulled her hair away from her eyes.

"I can't go Tyler. It's too hard for me." She pulled the blankets over her head and laid back down.

"Are you serious, Karen? I was there too, you know."

She shot up and jumped out of bed. I had a shocked expression on my face as she yelled at me. "He was my boyfriend, Tyler! I'm devastated! Don't you see me crying?"

I stood up and put my face close to hers. "I can't believe you, Karen. I was there too. You don't think I want to be in bed right now away from everyone? I didn't want to go, not one bit. But Ben is our friend and we need to be there for him no matter what, dead or alive."

She sighed as she stood up from her bed and leaned against her wall. "I love him so much. This might sound crazy, but he was going to propose to me the day of graduation. We talked about it all the time and was going to surprise everyone. Now it won't happen."

I wrapped Karen in a hug and kissed her on the top of her head. "I love him too. He was my best friend. We need to go, at least to give him our respects. He was a big help to all of us. I know for a fact he would do the same thing for any of us."

She smiled and went to get dressed. Minutes later, Karen came out and she looked stunning. She shot me half a smile before walking out of her tiny camper and stepping into my car. My phone chimed in my pocket. As I took it out, I saw a text from Max.

"See u at the funeral- Max"

I started smiling, but it soon faded once I saw another text. This time, it was from Kyle.

"Hey cutie:) Cant wait to see u at the funeral- Kyle"

I have not spoken to Kyle in quite some time so it will be interesting seeing him there. Getting into my car, I started the ignition and drove off to the local church to pay my respects to my best friend, who did not deserve to die.

Hey guys, isn't the story getting interesting? Don't worry, you will soon find out who the person that is harming Tyler and his friends. The next chapter is really shocking! Keep reading and comment on what you think. Sorry if this is a short chapter. It's a bit of a filler.

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