My Stalker

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Chapter Two
I watched as Max made silly faces to try and make me smile. We were getting ready for the party and by we, I meant me. I was the one stalling. This is my first big party so I needed to look presentable.

"Come on Tyler. Smile for me." I playfully rolled my eyes as he started to lean towards me. Our faces were a few inches apart as he kept inching closer. "Please smile."

He flashed his pearly white teeth and pinched my cheeks. I flashed him a quick smile before getting up. I ran to my bathroom and stared at my reflection. I had a plain black tee with my ripped skinny jeans. Max gave me his letterman jacket so I wouldn't get cold, even though we're in the beginning of February.

I started throwing on my black converse when my mom knocked softly on my door. "Sweetie, you got everything?"

I opened the door all the way and let my mother inside. She had just changed into her evening attire. I admired her taste in satin robes.

"Yes. I'll call you as soon as I get there."

She smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Good. Be home by 12, okay? And Max," she turned to my boyfriend and pointed a finger at him, "you better watch my baby boy."

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted.

My mother and I let out a laugh before making our way to the front of the house. I kissed my mom bye and followed Max outside to his black BMW.

"Ready?" He asked.

I sighed and started looking around a bit frantically. The texts from earlier started coming back to me, but I didn't bother to worry about them. "Yeah," I forced a smile, "I'm ready."

Max took off and followed his GPS to the party. When we finally pulled up into Gwen and Stacy's driveway, I noticed a lot people already popping up. I opened the car door and stepped down.

The energy surrounding us did make my stomach feel queasy. Suddenly, I felt someone pick me up from behind and spin me around. My heart began to race and I could hear the laughter coming from my idiot boyfriend.

I playfully shoved him. "So not funny Max!"

He shrugged. "I thought it was pretty funny. Did you see the look on your face?"

"Well next time I'll remember to just knee you in the balls, sound good?"

He rolled his eyes and gave me a quick kiss on my neck. "I'm picking with you babe, you know that." Max whispered in my ear. I knew he was picking with me. After receiving those texts, it just made me feel a bit paranoid.

We pulled away from each other, locked hands, and began making our way to the house. Karen and Ben were a few feet ahead of us so we ran to meet up with them.

"Hey! I see ya'll definitely came prepared." I gestured to Karen's bedazzled pink flask she carried around for "emergencies".

Karen held it out for me to take a swig but I turned her down. I wanted to wait a little while before I started drinking. This is all new to me and I wanted to observe everything that was going on.

When we all finally made it inside, I was astounded. Ben and Karen were not wrong when they said the twins knew how to throw parties. I spotted at least fifty people from just the entrance.

"I'm gonna go get us a few drinks." Max whispered in my ear before disappearing in a group of people.

I watched Ben drag Karen to the living room and chuckled. They were dancing to the music blaring from the surround system.

My Stalker [Boyxboy]  Where stories live. Discover now