~Chapter One~

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Y/n - Your name
Y/n/n - Your nickname
H/c - your hair color
E/c - your eye color

I'm sitting by the pool splashing my feet around in the water.

That's when I hear a familiar voice shouting from above me.


He leaps into the pool splashing Elle and me.

"Oh, my God! That was a good one!" Elle laughs.

I stand up and shivered.

"You two come here." Elle calls and I take a seat next to her as Lee sits in front of us.

"So, tomorrow, first day of school, the student council is expecting our dance club idea this week for the fall fundraiser. We're going to get in trouble if we don't come up with something fast." Elle clarified with a nervous expression.

"yeah..." Lee replies.

I zone out when I notice Noah Flynn.

I used to have a crush on him when I was a little younger, but Elle told me she had a secret crush on him and I didn't want to make things bad so I hid my feelings to the point I stopped liking him.

We can't really like him in the first place, because of the rules.

Rule #9...

Relatives of your best friend are totally off-limits.

Lee is one of my best friends and we always stick to the rules.

I'm not sure if Elle likes Noah still, but hopefully, she gets that situated.

Because rule number 9 was a big one for Lee.

I guess it's because of living in the shadow of the high school legend.

"Lee, you seen my athletic cup?" Noah asks walking towards us.

"Yes, asshat. I needed it for all those varsity sports. I'm constantly playing, you know?" Lee jokes.

"Hey, Y/n/n." Noah smiles.

He knows I hate being called that.

"Yes, Noah?"

I know he hates being called Noah.

"When did you get the boobs?"

I look down and cover my boobs. I quickly glance back up at Noah and give him the stink eye.

"When you were at football camp learning to be a better douche. It was almost like she was on human growth hormones or something." Lee stood up looking at Noah, defending me.

"Lee! Rule number two, please!"

Rule number two...

Never share our secrets with anyone else.

"Whatever. Listen, M and D are out of town Friday night, so party starts at eight. Don't invite any jackasses."

Noah turns to leave when Lee makes a comment.

"Does that include you?"

I laugh along with Elle and Lee looks toward us. Noah turns and throws a football right into Lee's back pushing him into the pool.

I start laughing even more.

Noah turns to leave and I look at his ass.

"What an ass." Lee spits glaring at Noah.

I know

"I know" Elle blushes and Lee glares at her.

"Hey, hey! Rule number nine, young lady!" Lee points and Elle laughs.

Noah Flynn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now