~Chapter Nine~

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{At Noah's house in his room}

I'm on top of Noah kissing him when I remember we had important things to do.

"Nope. No. Nope." I said as I got off Noah and he looked at me like I just stole his candy.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"We're supposed to be in a logistics meeting right now. Okay? We're trying to figure out how to not get caught." I said as I climbed back onto his bed.

"I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like anyone is going to think I have a girlfriend."

I laughed, "Oh yeah, God forbid anyone actually thinks you're in a relationship"

He held his hands In the air, "I have a reputation to think of"

I smirk and climbed onto him again, "Is that so?"

"Oh, tis so!" he grabbed me by the ass pulling me closer as I wrapped my hands around him.

We heard a knock on the door and I jump off him.

"Oh, shit" Noah mutters and looks around the room.

"I need to get your laundry." I hear his mom call out.

"Go, go down there" he points under his bed and I quickly hide under it.

"Yeah, just one second Mom!"

Once I was fully under the bed, he told his mom to come in.

She opens the door and walks in grabbing his clothes.

I notice he has lube and my face scrunched together.


"Hi, mom. You know I could have brought the laundry down." Noah says and I know he is trying to sound casual.

"It's okay. I have an hour to kill before your dad and I have to meet the Andersons. " his mom says as she kneels to grab the socks from under Noah's bed.


I moved his sock closer to his mother's hands so she doesn't see me. She picks the sock up and stands.

"By the way, don't forget. We're going out Saturday to celebrate your big news.

Big news... I wonder what it is.

"We don't have to." Noah says quietly.

"Yes, we do. It's not like every day your kid gets into an Ivy League School."

Oh, my God! Noah, I'm so proud!

"By the way be nice to Elle.. I think she has a crush on you." his mother says right before leaving the room.

My heart broke hearing those words.

I hear the door close and got out from under the bed. Noah saw my face and hugged me.

"It's okay. It can't be helped." he gently rubbed my back. I felt protected in his arms. One of the reasons is how tall he is compared to me.

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