~Chapter Eleven~

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{At Lee's/Noah's House}

I was hanging out with Noah in the garage as he was fixing his motorcycle.

I was reading a magazine and laughing.

"Stupid" Noah mumbled and shook his head with a smile.

"I swear to God. Says it right here. It's so her!" I laughed and pointed at the magazine.

"Hey, could you pass me the wrench, please?"

I looked up at Noah then into the direction in which he pointed. I set the magazine down and walked over to the shelf.

I stepped on something to be able to reach the box, but my foot wanted to spasm and I fell.

"Y/n!" Noah shouted as he rushed towards me, "Are you okay?" He asked as he held me close to his body.

"I hit my head." I said, moving my hand to my head.

"Your cheek is bleeding." He stated quietly.

He took me to his room and started to help the bleeding. He took a wet rag and gently placed it onto my cut. I couldn't help but stare at him.

He is different than people make him out to be.

"When'd you become such a doctor?"  I asked as a joke.

"Since I started getting into fights. You kind of learn to take care of yourself when that happens."

My face saddens, "Why do you get into all those fights anyway?"

"I think I... I  guess it's kind of just how I'm wired." Noah replies looking down ashamed.

I shook my head, "I don't believe that."

"My parents even sent me to see a couple counselors, but you know we're all fucked up one way or another, right?"

"You could change" it came out more quiet and softer than how I planned on saying that.

Noah looked at me intensely but slowly started to smile, "You think I can change?"

"You're Noah Flynn." I replied as I put my hand to his face. I gently rubbed his cheek and moved my hand to his lips. " I don't think there's much you cant do." I smiled and Noah chuckled.

"Hey, Noah have you seen, Y/n?" Lee asks as he barges into Noah's room.

I quickly looked at the door and he stared at us. Noah stood up and I mimicked his action.

Lee looked at us weirdly looking back at me and Noah.

"What going on here?" Lee questioned.

"I had an accident and Noah offered to help." I answered, motioning towards the cut on my face to the rag in Noah's hand

Wasn't a total lie.

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