~Chapter Four~

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{Noah's POV}

I wanted her.

I've never wanted someone to this bad.

The way she looks at me.

Her fucking scent.

Those little attitudes she gives me.

It makes me want to put her in her place.

As I looked down at her, I had the fighting urge to kiss those beautiful lips.

I never felt these things before with anyone, and it concerned me.

My eyes stayed focused on her lips as we stayed quiet.

I wanted to kiss her and I knew she wanted the same.

"Do you like me?" I asked her. She blinks a few times before responding.


stayed quiet as I glanced back up at her breath-taking eyes.

"I don't think I should answer that" she stutters backing away from me.

"Whys that?" I asked stepping closer to her.

She kept moving backwards as I stepped closer to her.

I quickly put my hand behind her head making sure she doesn't hit the wall.

When she stopped, I put my hand on the open wall space next to her head.

"I'm not one of those girls you can flirt with, Noah. We will never be together."

Her words stung.

I look away as I gritted my teeth together.

"Why can't we be together?" I ask.

She breathes in softly, her eyes staying on my face as she thinks.

"I dated your brother. It would be awkward and wrong of me, if I was to date you too." She answers. I moved my hand away and look at her in shock.

"Besides.. I know someone who likes you and they mean a lot to me. I also have to go by the rules you know, Lee, Elle, and I have. I already broke the rules with Lee, I can't break it with you too."

I stepped back a little, "You dated Lee? When?"

"In 8th and 9th grade." She answers quietly.

So, she's had a boyfriend?

"Did you two- uh... Kiss?"

"Yes. I have to go, I'll talk to you later, Noah." she says quickly and walks past me.

Lee and Y/n?

That upset me more than I wanted it to.

Noah Flynn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now