~Chapter Eight~

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Noah said to me.

And even though I know, I shouldn't, how much I wanted to be with him.

Rule number six...

If you can't tell your best friend then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

{Party next night}

I chugged some alcohol. Everyone cheered me on.

Elle was sitting by the fire not too far from me.

I stood by a table thinking about Noah when someone came up to me.

"Looking good, Evans." Warren says to me.

"Oh, um... Thanks." I replied awkwardly.

"We never did get to finish that skinny dipping at Flynn's party..."

"Oh, I was super wasted that night."

"You know what you need? Hot tub, come on" he says pulling me into a certain direction.

"oh, no. That's okay, Warren." I tried rejecting him nicely.

"Come on, Evans. It'll be nice." he said as he continued to pull me.

"No, Warren."

"Evans, come on! Don't make me beg!"

"Warren I'm not feeling..Warren.."

"She said no, Warren!" Noah's voice thundered.

Warren backed away, "Okay. That's okay." he sounded frightened.

"Okay, I'm fine, Noah. Can you just take me home, let's walk away, please, Noah. Let's go." I said as I stood in front of him. He looked down at me and then we walked away.

"It's all good, man! I'd be pretty upset too if I was fucking my brother's sloppy seconds!" Warren shouted.

Noah turned around immediately and decked the guy.

I just ran away.

"Y/n, wait! Please, wait! Y/n!" he called for me but I ignored him.

"Y/n, get in the car, please."

I ignored him and walked past his car.

"Just get in the car, Y/n!" he slammed his hand against his car and I stopped. "I'm sorry okay, but please just get in the car."

I gave in and got inside his car. He also gets in his car and starts it.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? What do you think? You think I meant to fall for my brother's best friend and ex-girlfriend?" Noah explains as he drives.

"Wait, this isn't the way home." I call out and look at Noah.

"I want to show you something."

{Minutes later at the Hollywood sign}

"How many girls have you made out with here?" I ask as I step out of the car.

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