~Chapter Five~

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I look at what I'm wearing and im wearing Noah's T-shirt!
Oh, no!

My clothes are missing! Why are my clothes missing???

At least my panties are still on.

That's a good start.

I look to my right and see Noah naked with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Oh, my God. Why can't I stop looking?

"Oh, sweet mercy." I whisper.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I was just grabbing some clothes" Noah smiles as he looks over at me.

"It's okay. How bad was I?" I ask.

He grins, "You were about to strip on the pool table in front of a bunch of guys and then go skinny dipping. I carried you out before too much came off. Oh, and you threw up on your dress."

My face blushes bright red.

"I'm so sorry, Noah."

"It's okay, but I mean this is why I didn't want you to go, Y/n/n."

I groan.

"Oh, this is so embarrassing! I hope I didn't snore." I say standing up from the bed and walking across the room.

"Y/n. I slept in the guest room." he says with a devilish smirk.

"Oh, right."

"I'm assuming the t-Shirt means you saw my panties?"


"Oh, my God!"

"But hey im not complaining. You look hot right now. With my shirt on and no pants." Noah smiles at me.

My body was snitching on me as I shook slightly.

"Just hand me the pants." I groan and hide behind the curtain.

I try to get my breath in order. I felt myself getting wet.

Why the hell was I getting wet right now?

Why does he have to say stuff like that?


He only taunts me with his smile.

"Noah! Shorts! Now!"

I realize he is going to take forever so I might as well just get them myself.

"Alright. Alright."

"I'll get them myself!"

I trip over the curtains and it pulls it down. Me and Noah and curled up in the curtain like a burrito.

"Stop pulling!" I shout.

"I'm not pulling anything!!"

"Okay, well my arm is stuck! Let me reach down and...."

OH MY GOD! I touched it!

"I said stop wiggling!" Noah shouts.

"sorry" I reply and we get unstuck from the curtain and I quickly put the shorts on.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Noah asks right before I was about to open the door.

"My T-shirt."

"Oh right"

I pull up the shirt to take it off and Noah stops me. "I was only joking, keep the shirt on." he laughs.

"Right." I reply and put the shirt back on.

I quickly leave his room and walk to Lee's room.

"Never let me drink again." I groan and plopped onto his bed. Elle is sitting on the ground by his chair and Lee is sitting on his chair.

Noah Flynn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now