~Chapter Three~

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{At The Arcade}

"God! What is wrong with me? Is my ass too big? Am I some sort of freak or something?" I asked with panic in my voice.

"No! You're awesome, all right? Tuppen is just a dick. I don't know why I told you to go out with him." Lee tries reassuring me.

"We never should have agreed to let you go with Tuppen. Especially, with what he did." Elle chimes in.

"You're way too good for him, Y/n. Plus, I heard he's got like three nipples" Lee jokes causing me to laugh.

I feel better.

"Thanks, guys."

They both smile at me.

I notice Lee's and Elle's faces turn into a frown. I turn back and see Tuppen looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"You had your shot." Elle crosses her arms and stands in front of me.

"Keep on moving, bud" Lee does the 'go away' motion with his hands.

"I need to talk to Y/n" Tuppen says with desperation in his voice.

"It's okay, you guys." I whispered as I stood in front of them.

"Are you sure?" Lee questions.

I nod.

"So, running a bit late now, are we?" I questioned sarcastically as I put my hand on my hip.

"Look, I'm sorry I stood you up. I really did want to go out with you. I just thought you deserve an explanation."

"That would be nice." I reply as I raise a brow and crossed my arms together.

"Flynn... Told me that it wouldn't be smart if I showed up for our date tonight."

"Noah?" I question because I don't think Lee would do this.

"Yeah." he answers.

"that makes no sense though" I respond confused.

"It's true. It's not just me. He's been going around telling all the guys not to ask you out for a while now." Tuppen shrugs.

"What?" I shouted, my voice sounding mean and cold.

"Shit..." Tuppen mumbles.

"There's others?"

"You can't tell him I told you."

"Why do you care?"

"No boobs are worth a broken nose."

"Fine!" I scoff.

"I got to go."

"Go! Whatever! Leave! But just so you know, my boobs are fantastic!"

I look around and see people staring at me. Some guys are gawking and parents are just looking at me funny.

I ignored them and shrugged it off as I made my way back to Lee and Elle.

Noah Flynn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now