~Chapter Two~

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{At lunch}

I'm sitting with Elle waiting for Lee to sit down when the OMG girls walk to our table and sit down right in front of us.

"Oh, my God!"
"How crazy was that fight?"
"Flynn was so savage!"
"Have you made out with him yet?"

These three super-popular juniors are a package deal.

Me and Elle call them the OMG girls.

Olivia, Mia, and Gwyneth.

And I have no idea why they are sitting with us.

"Oh, my God! I would totally have babies with Noah. One girl, one boy. But not at the same time though."

She is so fucking stupid.

"Yeah, you don't really get the gender so much." Elle replies making me smirk.

"I hear he's into blonde. Too bad, Elle." the blonde bitch smiles.

"Give me your numerals" the brunette says holding out her phone. "We should def catch up."

"Uh...sure it's 310-" Elle starts but the brunette pulls her phone back.

"Oh, my God!"

"Got to go, girls. There's a shemergency in the locker room"

"Oh, okay" she mutters.

"Sorry, it didn't work out with you and Noah. Guess it wasn't meant to be."

The three girls leave and I hold my laughter.

They are such bitches. It's so funny.

"Was that Mia?" Lee asks hurriedly as he takes a seat in front of us.

"Did you see that?" Elle asks with a smile plastered on her face.

"She say anything about me? You tell her about my dimples? What did she smell like today? Sometimes she smells like apples or the kind of like blueberry-coconut fusion." Lee gushes and blushes.

"What?" I ask confused.

{After school at Lee's house}

Lee went to the store with Elle to dress up for Mia. I have no clue as to why he would want to look good for a monster like that.

I make my way up the stairs to Lee's room. Once I reach the corner to turn, I bump into Noah.

"Sorry" I reply as I walk past him.

"You okay?" he asks and I turn to face him.

I nod, "Why?"

"Just making sure you are alright. Where are Lee and Elle?" he asked, he voice warm and comforting.

Which was weird.

"Shopping. Lee wants to impress a girl."

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