~Chapter Fourteen~

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{The Birthday Party}

"Rachel's getting here in ten minutes" Lee told us.

I nodded.

I was wearing a cat woman outfit, Lee was wearing a Batman outfit, and Elle was wearing a black widow.

"Is Noah going to be here tonight?" Elle asked.

"He told me last night he was leaving for Harvard today."

Oh. I guess it's for the best then.

"He just didn't want to be around here." Lee turned to me, "But hey, it's for the best. I mean, I think you did the right thing. Do you?"

No, I don't think I did the right thing, but I did it for you.

"Yeah." I nodded.

As everyone sang to me, Elle, and Lee happy birthday I thought about Noah. I couldn't stop thinking about Noah.

We blew out the candles. I didn't wish for anything.

"What did you wish for?" Lee's mom asked.

"No, you know the rules." Lee smiled.

Rule Number One...

Only your best friend gets to know your birthday wishes.

Lee whispered his wish in my ear, then Elle whispered her in Lee's. I told them I didn't make a wish.

Elle still wasn't talking to me and I didn't really care. It shows me she cared about a guy more than me if she could ignore me this long.

Lee was dancing with Rachel and Elle was just dancing.

I moved a bit and looked around. I saw couples, hugging, kissing, and holding hands. It made me miss Noah so much. I looked up at his room and saw it dark. The lights are off.

I couldn't handle it anymore.

I started crying. I went to go inside so they wouldn't see me but Lee stopped me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where are you going?" Lee asked.

"I can't keep doing this." I answered.

"Doing what?"

I looked at him and just ran inside. I went upstairs, trying to calm myself but Lee followed after me.

"You're acting all weird." Lee said.

I sighed, "I love you. I always, always want to be close to you, but being my best friend doesn't give you the right to tell me, who I can love. It's like with Rachel. What if I didn't like having her around? What would you do then?" I asked.

"I guessed I'd break up with her." Lee shrugs.

"No, it shouldn't be like that. You shouldn't have to do that just because I didn't want you to be with her."

"No, come on, Y/n. This isn't the same thing as with Noah and you know that" Lee argues.

"Okay. Listen to me, Lee. We made up our rules when we were six." I sighed.

"What are you saying?" Lee questioned.

"I'm saying that I love Noah. And I want him. And I'm sorry if that hurts you and I'm so sorry that I lied to you before. I was wrong, but I'd be lying to you again if I didn't tell you that I love him with every bit of my heart, and if you just can't accept that, then maybe we can no longer be friends and you can no longer be a part of my life."

My voice was breaking. Lee looked away from me and sighed.

"I think you're making a big mistake."

"Then that's my mistake to make." I replied simply.

"You're right." Lee said, "I love you, Y/n, and I just want you to be happy."

I hugged him. He hugged me back tightly.

"I have to find him, like now." I laughed nervously.

I hope he didn't leave yet.

"Let me go let my dad know where I am going, okay?" I smiled.

"Meet you outside in five, and you can drive the stag."

I thanked him and ran home.

After I told my dad, I went to the garage and saw him waiting for me.

"let's go!"

I started driving looking around for Noah.

"Thank you for doing this by the way."

"No problem." Lee smiled.

"You know, the hardest part was just seeing Noah's face at prom. Gosh, I wish I just told him then. But you know what? No matter how he feels now, I've just gotta find him and tell him how I feel." I ranted.

"You just did."

I looked at Lee then at the road then back at Lee and saw Noah.

My mouth drops, "Oh my god!"

I started pushing on the gas pedal from the excitement.

"Oh, Jesus, woman! Pull over!"

I turned the wheel and stopped immediately.

"My God! You're trying to kill us!"

I kept saying oh my God over and over again.

"I was not expecting that. Oh, my God! What? Hi! I thought you were leaving for Harvard."

"Yeah, I was planning to, but...I decided I had to see you one last time before I went." Noah smiled.


"And then Lee came upstairs and he told me everything."

"The old switcheroo was his idea?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"It was like a classic Lee, huh?" Noah laughed and I laughed along with him.

"He said something about Rule Number 18 or whatever."

Rule number 18:

Always be happy for your bestie's success

"Thanks for staying a little longer."

I was so happy that Noah was still here with me.

"Well, I had to see you blow out the candles on your cake." Noah said moving closer to me.

"Happy birthday to me."

We sat there and gazed at each other.

"What about Harvard?" I asked worried.

"I don't want to talk about that right now." Noah shook his head.

"You know, I want to know what it was that you wanted to tell me."

I breathed out.

I felt the nervousness in my stomach.

"Sitting here in front of.... No one in particular," I smile and Noah smiles softly at me.

"I'm saying I love you"

Noah looks at me. He looked shocked to hear it but he immediately composed himself.

"And I love you."

{At the Place with the security guard}

I looked into Noah's eyes and he looked into mine. He cupped my face with his hands gently pulling me in for a kiss.

My hand tugged on his Batman suit pulling him closer to me.

His kiss was gentle and soft. He was warm and passionate and in that moment I knew he was the one for me.

I loved Noah Flynn and I always will.

Words: 1124

A/n: Hey guys this is the last chapter of this story, let me know if you liked this story and enjoyed it. Let me know if they are any mistakes in the story! Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day!!/:)

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