~Chapter Seven~

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I couldn't believe it.

I kissed Noah Flynn.

I wanted to kiss him more, my eyes were on his lips. I quickly looked up at his eyes and noticed he was looking at my lips.

He leaned in and kissed me again, I wrapped my arms around him as his hands grips my hips, pressing my body against his.

I have been waiting a while to kiss this man, and it's even better than anything I had imagined.

A moan almost left my lips but thankfully I held it back but moving away from him.

I looked at everyone and saw them staring.

"Oh my- Everyone saw that didn't they?" I asked as my face flushed red from embarrassment.

"Yup. Pretty much" Noah smirks.

"Oh, my God! KILL me now!"

"Relax, Y/n/n. It was just a kiss." Noah said and looked at me.

I hid my hurt expression and looked at the ground.

It was just a kiss?

"Was it, Noah? Was it just a kiss?" I ask looking back up at him.

"Yeah. Of course." he shrugs.

"All right." I reply numbly.

"Keep up the good work, huh?" Noah said just before leaving.

Good word? What the...-?


Good work-

Oh, my God-

What am I going to tell Lee??

I rushed down to talk to Elle.

"I can't believe that just happened!" I shouted.

She nods slowly and looks at the ground.

"I have a question to ask you, Y/n. Do you have feelings for Noah?"

I gulped. "No, why?"

"Because that kiss looked like y'all we're about to rip each other clothes off!" Elle screamed.

I jumped back, "No. I don't have feelings for Noah. I know you like him. I need to find Lee and let him know what happened."

I walk away feeling stressed from that conversation.

I found Lee coming up to me.

"Hey." I greeted with a fake smile.

"Hey, is everything okay?" he asks with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, the booth is crushing it! We have made more than all the other booths combined." I reply sounding excited.

"No way!" Lee smiles giving me the same energy.

"It turns out people really like to kiss. Which brings me to, something happened, which led me to kiss Noah."

I waited to see his reaction and he frowned almost immediately.


"Come on, Lee. It's no big deal. Seriously." I said trying to smooth things out.


"It's for charity, right?" I asked making it seem like I didn't enjoy the kiss.

"Yeah... I guess so. Just don't end up grinding coochies with my brother." he smiled.

"or I will literally never talk to you again." he added and I frowned.

"I wouldn't even dream of it."

Noah Flynn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now