~Chapter Twelve~

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I laid on my bed, crying for hours non-stop. My dad or Elle would knock on the door to check up on me, but I simply told them I wasn't feeling well and would preferred to be left alone.

I got up from bed and took a good look at myself in the mirror. More like monstrous look. I look like a rats nest that got hit by a massive dump truck, then mopped the floor full of mud.

Noah would text me but I wouldn't reply to him. I felt bad, but after everything that happened, I couldn't deal with it all.

"Hey, sis I've got- oh my God. You look like shit! What happened to you?!" she asks as she closes the doors and stands by me.

"I upset Lee," I answer.

"What did you do?"

I decide to tell her everything.

"Me and Noah are dating."

She backs up, "Wait what?"

"I know. I know you liked him, but I did too! I tried staying away from him! I couldn't help how I felt."

She laughs, "And Lee didn't tell me?"

I felt better knowing Lee didn't tell her.

"I told him not to tell you. I thankful he allowed me to prepare myself to tell you. I'm sorry, Elle. I just want ready for you to know." I explained.

She scoffed, "you're my sister! How could you betray me like that!"

"I wasn't trying to betray you, it just happened. I was never going to go through with my feelings for Noah but-"

"No. You can't just make excuses and expect me to fall for it. You have always been jealous of me." Elle shook her head as she crossed her arms.


That's funny. I have never been jealous of her.

"When have I have been jealous of you?" I asked quietly.

"All the times me and Lee hung out without you. The times me and Noah talked and you felt alone. Besides I'm better than you and I have no idea as to why someone as good as Noah would date someone who looks like you."

"Have you always thought like this?" I asked as I looked over at her. I was clearly shocked to be hearing all of this come from Elle.

"Sometimes.. but not always."

"Elle, me and Noah like each other. I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I put aside my feelings for him so you would be happy. I couldn't help what happened after we kissed."

"I don't care. You're a backstabbing bitch. I'm going to ignore you the way Lee is." She rushes out if the room and I sit on my bed. I was frustrated and aggrivated.

I hear a knock on the door and I see my dad.

"Hey" I whispered with a fake smile.

"Hey, you okay?"

I nod.

"There's- uh someone here to see you."

"Lee?" I asked sitting up sounding hopeful. He shook his head.

Mrs. Flynn walked through the door.

"Hi, Y/n. I was hoping maybe we could talk."

I nod with a smile and she walked to my bed. My dad left the room closing the door behind him.

"There's really nothing to talk about. I'm just really sorry for lying to Lee about Noah and... Now I've ruined our friendship." I said with a shaky voice.

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