~Chapter Thirteen~

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This is your hair for prom, if you imagine shorter hair, do whatever style you'd like but make sure there are red flowers in it

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This is your hair for prom, if you imagine shorter hair, do whatever style you'd like but make sure there are red flowers in it. Just imagine the flowers in the picture are red. Imagine what ever style dress you prefer, just make it red. Thanks :)

Please enjoy the story!

{Prom day}

After Elle walled down in her orange dress, I walked down wearing my red one.

My dad smiled at me and told me and Elle that we were beautiful. I missed Noah and I wish he was here to take me.

"You two have fun tonight, alright? Call me if you need anything." Our dad smiled at both of us.

{At prom}

I walked out of the vehicle with Lee, Rachel, and Elle. I looked around for Noah but I didn't see him. I notice Elle also looking around.

The place was lively. Everyone was dancing, and screaming. I notice the pictures on the walls of people from school. I saw Noah, in a lot of them.

My heart ached for him. I missed him so much.

I saw pictures of me and I became embarrassed.

Lee talked to the yearbook guy and told him the pictures were good.

I danced with Lee, Rachel, and Elle. Not so much Elle though. She didn't speak to me or look at me. If she did it wouldn't be pleasant.

The music stopped and we all clapped.

"Hello, Los Angeles Country Day Prom!!" Vivian spoke from the microphone.

"Now, is time to introduce this year's theme: Memories. Photographs which show images of Great Moments from a truly fantastic year."

I zoned out and stopped listening. I thought of Noah. Our school year together, the memories we made.

I wanted to be with him again.

I looked at Lee and he was looking at me. I put a smile on my face and looked back at the girl.

"So, for everyone out there, let's make this prom the very best!"

Everyone started cheering and clapping.

"Onward to memory land"

The curtain's open and everyone walked through the hallways.

There were a bunch of pictures of the events during school. Seeing pictures of Noah saddened me.

But I put on a face, today was going to be a great day.

It was another day without Noah.

I heard people wooing.

"What's that all about?" Elle asked.

"I don't know" Lee shrugged and we walked over.

Then we saw our bright red kissing booth. I smiled brightly.

"Oh, my God!" I squealed as I rushed up to me.

"You guys are too much" Lee bowed to everyone. Then me and Elle curtsy.

Lee walked into the kissing booth and put the blindfold on.

Then pointed at Rachel.

Everyone went awww.

They kissed.

I thought about my first kiss with Noah. It was at the kissing booth. I was happy then.

This kissing booth was something everyone enjoyed and it was going to be remembered.

Then I saw him...

My heart skipped a beat. I stared at him in shock.

"Y/n." he said softly.

Lee stopped kissing Rachel.

"I think you're next up." He added.

He had a small hopeful smile on his face which made me want to climb up there, wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

But I knew I couldn't.. something in me stopped me.

I glanced at Lee and he looked at me. Lee shook his head telling me not to do it.

I looked back at Noah and apologized, "I can't."

I turned away and ran off, ignoring the desperation in Noah's voice as he called my name. My heart shattered into pieces as I ignored him.

But I stopped.

I turned to look at him, "Why? Why should I?"

I tried not to cry. He looked so upset.

"Because I love you" his voice broke and my mouth dropped. Everyone gasped.

We've never said I love you before.

I looked him in the eyes as he stepped closer to me.

"...and standing here, in front of everyone, im telling you, that I love you. You are so beautiful, Y/n"

I kept my eyes on him and my lips started twitching. I almost pulled him close and hugged him. My eyes teared up and I looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I just... I can't keep hurting people that I care about because of you. Okay? Nobody wants us together."

I ignored him calling me beautiful. It hurt too much.

"Well, that may be true. But what do you want?"

I wanted him. I wanted to tell him that, but I couldn't. It wouldn't be right. Not to Lee, not to my family.

"I want... I want to go." I answered and walked away from everyone.


I ignored everyone that called my name. I didn't want to speak to anyone. I ran home and went to my room.

I saw a small box on my bed. I opened it and saw a picture of my mom and me. I was a baby in the picture.

She wrote something that said,

Happy Birthday, Y/n. I'll always be with you. Love, Mom.

I smiled at the picture and placed it on my table.

I took a shower and went to sleep.

Words: 910

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