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   Arlo sat on the couch in Eli's resting her head against Eli's arm while she watched him and Demetri play a video game

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Arlo sat on the couch in Eli's resting her head against Eli's arm while she watched him and Demetri play a video game. "How many times are you guys gonna play this game?" She groaned while getting off of the couch.

Eli set his controller down and watched the girl get up. "Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go get a drink." She pointed up towards the stairs. "When I get back can we like watch a movie or something. I'm gonna gouge my eyes out if I have to watch you two play one more round of that game."

Eli laughed, "Okay, you can pick the movie when you get back."

"Uh, no. Why is she picking? Were just gonna end up watching some boring girly romance movie." Demetri groaned while moving to lay on the floor.

Arlo put her hand on her chest and gasped. "I can't believe you just said that. I am very offended you think that low of me." The three of them laughed and Arlo turned back towards the two boys. "Do you guys want anything from upstairs?"

Demetri and Eli told the girl that they both wanted a coke and nodded while going upstairs. While she was in the fridge grabbing the three of them cokes Eli's mom came into the kitchen.

"Hey Lo, how are you?"

Arlo loved that nickname. Eli and his mom were the only people who called her it, which made it even more special to her. Mrs. Moskowitz had always been like a second mom to Arlo. Her mom worked constantly, she wasn't a bad mom, she just struggled making time for her kids. Especially Arlo.

"I'm good! Just getting some drinks for me and them." She smiled back.

"Do you need help honey?" Mrs. Moskowitz asked.

"Umm... no I think I'm okay. Thank you though. "She grabbed the three sodas before walking back down to the basement.

"She has returned!" Demetri shouted in a horrible attempt at a British accent.

Arlo laughed while handing the two boys their sodas. She walked around so she could sit back on the couch next to Eli. "What do you guys want to watch?"

"You pick." Eli said turning towards the girl.

"Hmmmmm... Let's watch a Spider-man movie." She grabbed the remote for the tv and turned on the movie.

Demetri rolled his eyes dramatically before turning around to Eli and Arlo. "We have seen all of these movies over a million times. Can't we pick something else?"

Eli and Arlo looked at each other then back to Demetri before replying, at the same time. "No."

As the movie started Eli grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and covered him and Arlo. She smiled at him before scooting closer and laying her head on his shoulder.


Arlo's eyes fluttered open looking around. The TV was turned off. She propped her arm up, looking down seeing Demetri asleep on the floor. She felt an arm around her waist, she turned her head to see Eli laying with his arm still wrapped around her waist. She tried moving out from his arm, but he woke up to her moving. His eyes opened slowly, and Arlo saw his eyes look down towards his arm still slung loosely around her waist. He quickly pulled his arm away and Arlo could see his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"I guess we fell asleep." Arlo smiled while pulling herself to sit all the way up.

"Yeah." Eli looked down and cleared his throat. "Sorry."

Arlo furrowed her eyebrows at the boy. "Why are you sorry."

"I just, uh..." Eli kept staring at the ground while he moved to sit up all the way. "Sorry we fell asleep like that."

Arlo elbowedhis arm before leaning her head onto his shoulder. "I didn't mind. It was nice."

Eli sat up a bit straighter and looked down at the girl who was leaning her head on his shoulder. "Really?"

Arlo looked up, she met the boys' blue eyes, and smiled. "Yeah, really." she turned her head back down and leaned it against the boy's shoulder again. He slowly rested his head on her head. They sat in silence leaning against each other for a while before Arlo's phone went off. She picked up her phone and say her brother calling her.

"Hey." Arlo sighed.

"Where are you."

"At Eli's, why?"

"You need to get home, it's already almost 9, school starts tomorrow idiot."

"Okay, bye." Arlo groaned and hung up the phone.

"Was that Ash?" Eli looked at the girl and asked.

Arlo nodded before standing up grabbing her jacket. "Yeah, he said I have to get home since tomorrow is the first day."

"Oh okay." Eli nodded and stood up while watching the girl get her jacket and bag.

The two stood in the room looking at each other, neither one of them saying a word. Arlo opened her mouth as she was about to say to Eli, but she was interrupted by Demetri snoring loudly. The two that were standing laughed quietly at the boy asleep on the ground.

"I have to go now." Arlo said pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Eli started walking towards her while saying, "I'll walk you out."

The girl smiled before turning around to walk up the basement stairs, Eli following slowly behind her. When the two got outside Arlo turned quickly catching Eli off guard. She pulled him into a hug, her face burrowed in his chest. The boy rested his chin on her head. When the two pulled away from the hug Arlo smiled up at him and quickly said, "Thank you, for everything." She got on her tippy toes and lightly kissed the boy on his cheek.

Eli's face went red when Arlo's lips touched his face. "Do you need a ride home?" 

Arlo shook her head before walking over to her bike that was leaned up against the wall near the two. "I'm just gonna ride my bike home."

"Oh, okay." Eli nodded. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye, E." Arlo waved to the boy before hopping onto her bike, pedaling away.


A/N: This was the first like real chapter. It's not 'following' the first episode of CK but Eli and Demetri weren't shown till ep2. But here like the characters are slightly introduced and we can start to see their dynamics. also, SMALL, Eli and Arlo moment!! also, also, feedback is always appreciated. :)) 

(This is my first book so I'm sorry if there's any errors or anything like that)

Word Count: 1,121

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