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   Arlo, Demetri, and Eli sat together at lunch about a week after she had joined Cobra Kai. Eli and Demetri were talking about something that Arlo couldn't have cared less about. She looked away from her tray and saw Sam awkwardly standing in the cafeteria looking towards the table Yasmine and Moon were sat at.

   Yasmine put her obnoxiously large purse in the seat next to her when she saw Sam starting to walk towards them. Arlo rolled her eyes, continuing to watch Sam walk towards the table Aisha was sat at. When Sam set her tray down, Aisha shook her head saying something to the girl. Arlo leaned across the table trying to hear what was being said.

   "Oh, come on." Demetri scoffed at the girl who was leaning over his tray. "I was trying to eat."

   Arlo smacked the back of his head. "Shut up."

   "You can sit with Kyler." Aisha raised her eyebrows while she spoke. "I hear he doesn't mind that you suck."

   Arlo's eyes widened at what Aisha had said. There had been a rumor going around school that Sam had 'gone down' on Kyler in a movie theater. Arlo knew that it wasn't true especially after Sam had called her crying, the night her and Kyler had gone to the movies, about what had happened.

   Sam turned away from Aisha and walked towards the group of boys Kyler was standing with, Asher included. Sam pushed Kyler's back causing him to turn around.

   "Think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam loudly asked while she crossed her arms. Eli and Demetri turned to look at them, along with a majority of the cafeteria.

   "What are you talking about? We saw a movie, and that's it." Kyler replied while shrugging his shoulders. "Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you."

   All the boys that were stood behind Kyler started to laugh, as well as Asher. 

   Brucks laughed leaning around Kyler and pointing at Sam. "Yeah, we heard you got pretty 'choked up'." 

   Laughter erupted among the boys, once again. Sam slid Kyler's lunch tray, full of food, off of the table and onto the floor. Food fell all over Kyler's shoes.

   The cafeteria fell quiet other than a few students going 'ooooooo'. 

   "Hey, guys. You know that billboard with that big ass dick on it?" Kyler announced to the cafeteria pointing towards Sam. "I guess Sam takes after her dad."

   The cafeteria filled with laughter after Kyler spoke. Arlo leaned back into her seat, her jaw clenched tightly. Anger filled her veins. 

   "Hey, Kyler!" Miguel shouted. Arlo looked up at the boy standing next to her, she hadn't even noticed he was there. He threw his tray onto the table next to her and walked towards Kyler. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"

UNDENIABLE ~ ( Eli Moskowitz )Where stories live. Discover now