17. Till Death Do Us Part

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"My marriage is one thing I cherish most in the world. I would die for her. Or kill." Lix Stone

It had been a week of not having his wife at his side. This was the first time since the day he met Rosaline that he did not have her with him at night. He was frustrated and confused.

Yes, he fucked up. He set the rules that they were no longer having an open marriage and yet he had a little play time. He never knew eating pussy would get him in this much hot water.

After a few days, he thought Rosie would be over it and would come back home. They would have sex all night, he would buy her something or take her away on a vacation and things would be right back where they were. His perfect wife, his perfect life.

But after seven whole days, nothing from her. He knew from Jae screaming at him about making things right with her mother that Rosie was at her place. Jae did not like that because she liked her independence and moved out of the house the first chance she could after she graduated high school. His other daughters took their time before they moved out.

He did not know what to say to get Rosaline back. She had to work things out herself before she decided she wanted him again.

Or he could beg.

He showered, shaved, doused himself in her favorite cologne of his, and dressed in his best attire. He stopped to get two dozen red roses and made his way to see his wife at his daughter's place. In all of their years together, never did he see himself here.

He let himself into the building and it was a good thing Jae gave him the code and key to her place. Rosaline would forgive him, and maybe as a treat, they could have some fun with a girlfriend or two.

They set the rules in their marriage and if Rosie wanted to see girls again, he would allow that, anything to make her happy. If she forbade him from indulging, he would obey whatever she wanted.

Once inside Jae's condo, he was shocked it was so quiet in the place, even though most of the lights were turned on.

Rosie sat in the living room, her Kindle in her hands reading one of the books she loved.


Rosaline looked up at him and then back to her book. "No one invited you."

"Babe, I came to apologize." He held the roses out to her. "Roses for my Rosie."

Rosaline sat her Kindle down and then took the roses. "Beautiful."

He took a seat beside her. "I was wrong, for doing what I did. And I was wrong for having you take care of my son like that. It was a lot to ask. I'll hire a nanny to-"

"Nonsense! I raised my three girls I can raise your son...I mean, our son." She set the flowers on the table. "I did not mean what I said about Prince. I know he's not mine, but I love that little boy as if he is my own. In fact...I want to adopt him to make him legally mine. I can never replace his biological mother, but he should grow up to know I love him and want him."

This was shocking to him, after the things she said about Prince. Maybe she said them because she was upset with him. He hoped she did not mean those things.

"I love you, Rosie, anything you want." He grabbed her hands and kissed them. "I will never, ever go outside of our marriage again. You are all I want."

She snatched her hands away from him. "Nonsense. We work best when we are open with ourselves. The more the merrier. If you get to play, I get to play."

"If you need another girlfriend, I can understand that, but I don't want anyone else but you."

"I want to be with another man," she said.

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