23. Die Another Day

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"Who would you die for? Rosaline, Jae, Kendra, Erica, Prince," Lix Stone.

Outside in the empty parking lot with just one broken-down-looking white pick-up truck. No security on duty. Cameras on, but how would that help?

"Give me my son!" Lix yelled out to Frederick. He did not disconnect the call with 911. Hopefully, they were still listening in and would send help. They needed to be on the way and bring a body bag because someone was going to die today.

As soon as his son was free from this man, he would kill him.

"Your son? Still fooled by the lies that bitch told you."

"Lies? Motherfucker that's my son! Give him here before I-"

"Before you what? Your gun is in the car, you never bring it into the club." Frederick pulled out a gun from behind his back and aimed it at him.

Was he going to die today?

Prince began to cry and twist in Frederick's arms, which made him even more upset. He had to think clearly about this, because this man was a madman, no longer his friend he attended college with and helped him to build his business. Something changed in him.

Frederick was supposed to be dead. His wife Nicollette and her daughter were in jail for murdering him. They never found the body because he was not dead. The man was live and in the flesh in front of him and as crazy as a psychopath.

"Man, give me my son and we don't even have to deal with this right now." Why was he even here? Was he the one who killed Twist? Then it came to him. "Where's my wife?"

Frederick gave him a little snarl and rocked Prince in one arm to try to soothe his cries, but still aiming the gun at him with the other. "Fuck that bitch!"

He was livid. Someone was dead in his place of business and his wife was missing. And this motherfucker had his son. He did not need a gun, he would kill him with his bare hands.

He looked around for something, anything he could use to bash him over his head and take his son. This was a dead man walking, even if he was alive and kicking right now. The way he tried to ruin his business, stealing money, fucking his daughters, kidnapping his son? He would strangle the last breath out of him with his bare hands.

"Did you do it? You killed Danica while I lay in bed with her and hoped they would think it was me. And my son. Yes, I said it. My son! Check the blood test motherfucker!"

Frederick looked down at Prince as if he would suddenly see some of himself in him. Little Prince looked like a mini Lix, everyone saw it. A paternity test was never needed, Frederick was just in denial.

"You have to have everything, huh?"

"Everything? I worked for everything I have, motherfucker, what do you think? I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, unlike you. I was a poor, scholarship kid, unlike you. I didn't have rich parents to fall back unlike you. I worked hard every damn day to build this empire, you came in and rode on my coattails."

"You would be nothing without my money."

That was absolutely incorrect. They had already opened the first Sextacy before Frederick came along and helped them build the club up. Even without his loan, they would have found a way to make things work. He would have hustled harder. Rosaline would have worked harder. His girls at his side knew how to hustle like him. Nothing in his life was handed to him.

But he was paying the ultimate price letting Frederick into his business.

"I've hated you since the moment I met you," Frederick said, so calm he could see the evil within him. "Pretty boy and you knew it. Smart but dumb at the same time. All the girls you fucked in college, I fucked as well. Except Rosaline. Never could get my dick in her."

This man was losing it, but he had a gun, and he had nothing right now. There had to be a way he could talk his way out of this. Frederick could hand him his son and he would let him get away, for now. All that mattered was the safety of his son.

"I got something better...my dick in your daughters."

The thought of this man's hands on his daughters threw him in a rage. He hated this man with every fiber in his body and all he saw was red. It was like he went blind and the only thing before him was blood red. He lunged for the man he once called his best friend, aiming to grab his son when he heard the gun go off.

It didn't stop him. Nothing would. He did not know if he was hit or not, but he was in Frederick's face, grabbing Prince from his grasp when the gun went off again.

All he could think was to protect his son, even though he felt a sharp pain in his side.

"You die today," he heard Frederick to him as he fell to the ground, covering his son crying in his ear.

He lay there, waiting for the darkness, hoping his son would make it. How many more bullets would it take to kill him?

Then nothing.

The pain in his shoulder throbbing even more now. Blood covered his son when he looked to make sure he was safe. He checked all over the toddler to see if he was hit. There was nothing. The blood was all his.

Not just on his shoulder, there was a bloody, red spot in the middle of his shirt. He never felt that one.

The pain and blood loss were making him woozy he saw flashing lights.

Is this what going to hell felt like? Instead of a bright white light, he was going to be led away from his son by fuzzy purple and red flashy lights.

His son would not stop crying, ringing in his ears like a fire truck.

He would get to see his sister, Tamra, and his brother Jayden. Surely they did not go to the place he was going, but he wanted to see them anyway. Maybe his father, whoever he was, would meet him in hell.

He was not ready to leave his son, his daughters...and he needed to find Rosaline. He had to hang in there.

"Sir! Are you okay?" he heard a voice.

Then he realized the flashing lights were not from the Death trying to take him away before his time. It was the police on the scene, thanks to him keeping 911 on the phone before he dropped it when he lunged for Frederick.

He was ready to live.

But where did Frederick go?

A/N: What is going on? And we still don't know what happened to Rosaline.

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