26. Family Business

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"We can't help the family we are born into. We can find a way out of it," Roberto Stone

"Why are you at work right now? Your mother is missing and your father is still in the hospital from gunshot wounds."

And he could not believe he was having this conversation. Just two days after Lix was gunned down right behind the building, all of his daughters were back to work as if nothing happened. He only came down to Sextacy to check on the place thinking family would not be there, but here they were.

"Work is the only thing keeping me sane right now." Jae was deep into her laptop screen all but ignoring him as he stood in front of her. "Bye Unc."

The nerve of that little girl treating him like he was nothing. Sure, he was only two and a half years older, but he was still the uncle and deserved some respect.

"So you're just going to see patients?"

"If they need someone to talk to, that's what I'm here for. The sex doctor is always here to listen."

Jae needed to talk to someone, this was a lot to go through. He knew she was the stronger one out of her siblings, but this was still a lot to handle. He knew she prided herself in being a workaholic like her father but now was not the time.

He left Jae's office, stomping down the hall wanting to get away from family and all their issues. He loved them and hated them at the same time. There was no other way to explain it. He blamed the fact that they all came from the bad seed, his mother, so they all lacked critical thinking skills.

Well, except for himself. He had his head screwed on right.

He ran into Nas, dressed in all black as if in mourning, another fucked up member of his family.

"You good?" he asked his favorite niece. "Why are you here?"

"It's business as usual," she stated in a monotone way. She looked like death. No, she looked like death three times over with bloodshot eyes and pale skin. "Someone dying or going missing in this family is par for the course."

That was a fucked up thing to say. But add to that going to jail or getting strung out on drugs and that summed up the Stone family. Or at least the Stones they knew of.

"It's okay to take days off as needed. Other non-family members can handle the business when you guys are not here."

"No disrespect Unc, but you don't work here. You have two businesses you are running that are not connecting to this. Stay the fuck out of Sextacy business." Nas stormed away from him and down the hall.

That was enough of getting kicked on by his nieces, even though they were only a few years younger than him. He was the baby of his siblings but still older than all his nieces and nephews. Because they were closer in age, they seemed to think it was okay to treat him like a child.

Fuck all of them.

If it was not for him, Frederick would have stolen the company from under their noses. What thanks did he get for that? Let it all go down in flames, he did not care anymore.

He left Sextacy and headed to The Sexx Room to check on the business he did care about. Kesha was there working behind the counter checking out a male customer. Their newest employee, Davidawas talking to a couple in the back. Several other customers were shopping around the place.

Business was doing good. Opened for over a year now they already turned a nice profit. Some regulars came in-store, and even more that shopped online. Kesha worked with several couples building their own unique Sex Rooms and she even invited many to watch her perform at Sextacy.

Kesha was a smart businessperson. She liked to think of herself as a hustler because she said that's what she did all of her life.

She never had to hustle with him, because he vowed to forever take care of her.

Once she was finished with the customer, he walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I miss you."

"I'm right here."

He kissed her neck. "Every time I am away from you, I miss you."

"Same." She turned in his arms. "How's your family doing?"

"I don't want to talk about-"

"But you were just getting close to finding out who your father was and then this happened. Are you going to talk to Lix about the guys, since he was friends with them?"

"No." This was not the time to bring this up while Rosaline was missing.

"Okay then. But don't stop finding out the answers."

He never would do that. After he helped out a few customers to find what they wanted, he made his way to the back to do some work on the computer. After hacking into the school's system, he found the address of the four guys. Not only that, he had all their social media pages and monitored them according.

One of the guys piqued his interest. He studied his face and everything he posted online. He was married. He had a family of three children and another one not from his wife. He visited Sextacy on a regular but did not post about it. The only way he knew was that he used the ATM to withdraw money there.

He was still in contact with his brother whereas the others were not.

Another one interests him as well. He looked like he could be Nasiree's twin, so it was not lost on him that this man could be her father. Again, he was a prominent married man in the community with a family. If this was Nasiree's father, she would need to know.

When was he about to expose these men to the truth? Did they even know about him and Nas? Did they care?

"Babe? Are you hungry? I'm going to order some DoorDash." Kesha stuck her head in the office.

He barely heard what she asked but nodded, he was too engrossed in all the information he gathered.

Kesha walked to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and kissed his neck. Even though he loved having Kesha close to him, right now he had too much on his mind. Family business and stuff. He wanted his brother better and out of the hospital. He wanted Rosaline back home and safe. He wanted to find Frederick and do what he should have done that night.

"ToTo, you're stressed out, I can feel it all over you." Kesha placed her hands on his shoulders. You need a massage."

It did feel nice having Kesha work her magic. With professional hands, she knew how to get the kinks out in all the right places along his shoulders and necks, and then down his back. He was caught up in the magic of her hands and did not realize she had gone lower till her hands were down in his pants.

Her soft, warm hands gripped his length and massaged him. Fully at attention, he held his breath, closed his eyes, and drifted away for a moment. Take away the day's stress. Even when he felt her mouth finishing him up there was nothing he could say. All while the woman he loved did her best to destress him, he said no word.

She finished up, cleaned up, and left him to his thoughts again.

It was ready to make a move.

He made a phone call.

"Hello, this is Roberto Stone." He let that sit in for a moment. "I'm your grandson and I think it's time we meet."

A/N: Always something with this family. Roberto is supposed to be the smart one, so he always has a plan.

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