32. Traitors treat

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At the AVL, everyone was speechless. They found Eduardo in his El Macho costume. A few hours ago, a plane was stolen by the organisation. At first, they weren't aware of who it was. Once the flying device returned to the zeppelin, they found El macho inside, mumbling nonsense and his mouth was drooling like a pit bull. Valerie was furious, "What is the meaning of this?! Get this villain into a cell!" Once Eduardo was taken off the seat, she spotted a note underneath. Her skin turned red, reading it out loud:
"Happy birthday my darling Valerie. i hope you like my present.
Best wishes, Shadow."

This took her last nerves. With a loud scream all members of the AVL turned silent. This was not her day...especially on her birthday. One of the doctors has taken a look at Eduardo. He could clarify, that he was drugged. He talked like a drunken man, so not much use to Valerie. Eduardo got the cell, opposite from Dru's prison. He sat in the darkest corner and was shaken violently. Afraid to stay there for life. El Macho saw him though and laughed, "Ah Flu...you little unicorn. If I get my fans on you...you....Zzzzzzz." His last sentence was replaced by snoring loud. Dru had no idea what he meant though. His mind was on the previous night. No matter how he sees it, the reason I stopped on the road was a mystery to him. Why did I say sorry? It didn't make any sense to Dru. That I did that deliberately, was out of the question, at least for him. He doesn't believe, that I have a single bad bone in my body.

Unfortunately, I live bad, raised bad and stayed bad. The true question is, How many good bones do I possess? Although, I had other things in mind. Bratt was already in school, as I got ready for the next mission. Herb was the first to ask what it was. I grinned wide, "Operation: reveal. We will find out the identity, of those idiots from the news station."

"And how are you doing this?"

I showed him a list of suspects, "Only a few people know me or my old boss. A few are already dead, only thirty five are alive."

"That's a lot of suspects."

"Not really. If we split them between us three, we may find the right person. Don't worry, I picked the dangerous ones." All they had to do was to spy on them. With video tapes, they record their behavior and bring them back here. I go through them later on and sort out the list. This might take a while, but it is better than nothing. I have set my alarm clock for the mission, getting everyone a camera.

At Gru's house, the alarm pulled him out of a nightmare. He dreamed of the girls being taken away, Lucy left him for this idiot of a partner and Dru...stayed in prison for life. Soaked in sweat, he got up. Normally, he would hear the girls running down the stairs for breakfast. But the house was silent...too quiet for his taste. He found the children in their beds. They were looking better, getting some color on their cheeks. Not one dared to make a move. Gru sighted deep, "Girls, time to get up, you got school."

"But we don't feel well" moaned Edith, getting the pillow over her head.

"Can we stay home...please?"

As much as he wanted to grant Margo's wish,the fear of Miss Hattie changed his mind.

"No, no, no, you all go to school. I expect you to be in the kitchen in fifteen minutes, washed and dressed."

Like a pair of zombies, they arrived at their destination. With moaning and groaning, they reached for their bowls and cereal, all in slow motion. Gru had to make them their lunch, otherwise they would miss three lessons at this speed. At school was it no different. Dragging their feet, they made a small wave at Gru. With a bad feeling, he watched them go inside. Agnes didn't look forward, opening the door with her face. For the ex villain was a new problem at hand. Where does he get information about shadow? Mr Perkins knew his dad but not her. So where can he go?

During that time, I walked through the city.

With all my henchmen at work, I thought back to the short, but normal life I had. The cafe was nearby. Through he glass, I found Carl filling um the coffee machine. I decided to pay him a visit. But he wasn't happy to see me. More of the opposite. If I wasn't a customer, he would have kicked me pout.

"You have a lot of nerve to come here again." His voice was deep and grumpy.

"I missed the milkshakes in this place."

Slamming the lid shut, he faced me, "What do you want?"

"How about a chocolate doughnut and a vanilla milkshake."

"That is not what I meant?!" His yelling,made other customers face us. Embarrassed, he pulled me to the back of the cafe. Raising his hand, I expected to be on my cheek soon. But it never came. Instead, it went around my back, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I was worried sick. You never called or let me know how you were."

"Sorry Carl. I really am."

"I saw the news. Someone is after you now. It is not too late to drop out now."

Carl was truly concerned about me, but he didn't understand my situation either. "Sorry Carl." I never knew how close this guy gets to me, I lost my appetite and wanted to leave the cafe. Maybe it was a bad idea to come here. Carl however, was glad that I did. He gave me his number, begging me to keep in touch. I gave him a wink, "I will...see you around Carl." But once I left the cafe, two men were watching me leave. While the other one looked at my friend, "Who would have thought. She does have a soft side after all."

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