Chapter 9: On Solid Ground

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The crews feet are finally on the ground again, but not without setbacks! Robin is tasked with dealing with her architect's sudden change of heart regarding the hermit and finally takes the time to confront the hermit's rampant curiosity.

All the while the trio ponders the oddly beautiful but seemingly empty world of Marighttis 047!

Chapter song:
'Malo- March of progress' please listen too for best experience '¬'


Robin's dreams are a muddle mess of emotions are worries, she finds herself running through the swampy forest of Adelphi, searching for a cube through shards of shattered glass, beyond the skyline the sun rose, hauntingly pale and with it an invisible timer dwindled, a heart beat slows and mud fills her lungs as the swamp rises around her paralyzed body.

Robin jolts up at the feeling of a claw gently against her cheek, tired eyes glance up towards her fateful companion, his biolights are dim, but only deliberately so, not like his lightless vessel collapsed on the floor.

Al-an watches her silently, deliberating his words before he settles on a soft sigh.

"I believe you were experiencing a nightmare, your duress levels have increased significantly within the past hour...were you dreaming Robin..?"

"Yeah...just a nightmare, thanks for waking me.." Robin murmured huddling up closer to his warmth, against her Al-an hummed sympathetically, his claw beginning to trace soothing spirals against her spine.

"Should I wake you if it proves to be a recurring phenomenon..?" Her architect questions into the dark, his voice apathetic and whimsical in the silence of the humming ship.

Little to his knowledge his mere presence alone was calming her anxious nerves, still his concern dredged up a warm heavy feeling in her chest.

"No, I'm a big girl, I can handle it" Robin hummed sleepily, leaning up to rest her head against her architect's side, closing her eyes to simply listen to his pulse, rapid and unyielding.

Al-an trilled softly as he set his gaze back towards the impending planet, a quiet pleased sound resonating from his chest as the architect watched over their voyage like a benevolent sentinel.

Robin drifts back to sleep watching the teal streaks ripple to and fro over his leg and inadvertently wondering if precursors could be ticklish.


His human's rest does not last long, Robin wakes long before her planet's sun would rise, her explanation is simply that she was restless but Al-an wasn't certain this was the truth, at least not in its entirety.

But chose not to pry, if Robin chose to withhold the source of her restlessness from him, her architect could not force her to explain such human intricacies as dreams and nightmares, but easily he deduced her sleep was insufficient and pointedly made himself available should his human change her mind, and choose to confide in him.

Al-an watched her tiredly stumble about, sleep clinging to her smaller frame as she retreated to her room, exiting with a towel in hand only to pause with an annoyed grunt, turning right back into the room to grab her forgotten shampoo bottle.

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