Chapter 14: The Endlings

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"Yeah, Thanks, we fell in one earlier..."
This close she could see the vessel was covered in wounds, there was a gash missing from its side, but Robin could easily identify the killing blow, it looks to have had the entirety of its throat torn...


This ones a little lore heavy!

Please check out this music to set the mood! 'Г':

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment you guys are better then ibuprofen !
Been ill lately so this one came a little slow! Thanks for waiting <3


Another painful surge of nausea overtakes her, finding its way out of her mouth and into the corner that the researcher frantically stumbled her way into, panic and vertigo making the countless halls look confusingly similar.

She should never have left the doorway Al-an left her but...

Robin had little choice.

The chittering echos from all around her sends another jolt of panic up her spine but it only registers as a dull pulse along sluggish numb nerves.

The drone, it had come back, at first to warily collect the discarded crystals, but then the volatile drone had noticed the weakened researcher and slowly started making its way up the hall in her direction.

A situation that could be dangerous, especially after the large robots initial aggression, but instead of calling for Al-an, an action that Robin knew would force her architect to pick between coming to her aid or her new friend's...

it was clear Al-an had preferences, Ryley would be swiftly abandoned to whatever fate the poor hermit was facing...

She would never do that to the man, even if he never survived to blame her.

No, instead Robin cautiously tried to find a hiding place, putting as much distance between her and the drone as possible, beyond the door Ryley's sudden shrieks of pain sounded, a guttural noise filled with terror and anguish, but just as quickly the man's voice abruptly fell silent..


This worried Robin enough so that she would have backtracked to see what was happening but the noise had also drawn the drones attention and the large red robot had wandered over to the door scanning it curiously.

This would have been an unfortunate but ideal distraction but the minute Robin took a step back, attempting to gain more unnoticed distance between her and the potential threat, shards of shattered debris creaked under her boot immediately garnering the previously distracted drone's attention.

"Damn it!" Robin cursed as the drone's attention was immediately drawn back towards her, and slowly it resumed approaching her, an odd chattering noise grinding sound from its large almost seemed cautious...was..was it hunting her?!

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