Chapter 11: A Shift In Circumstance

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Please check of the theme song for this chapter!

I guess this would be called filler as not much happens.

Again thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts, this fic would never have gotten this far without you readers support and enthusiasm
; v;


The air tasted familiar yet stale, but even then the long distant scent of his kin, life's fleeting existence was muddled beneath the persistent scent of sickeningly pungent rot.

Again Al-an's emotions flared with little but anxiety and frustration, countless attempts the architect tried to make sense of the last four hours, now that the shock of vulnerability and panic had worn thin, the gravity of the dangerous situation they were in had begun to settle in.

The architect was not pleased...

Had Al-an expected such peril he would never have allowed them off the ship, the planet stripped, and seeded with unaccountable dangers, such rash integrations would no doubt risk what was left of the unstable ecosystem...unless there was nothing left..

What have they done to this gentle planet..?

This question plagued his rampant mind again and again, It had been a millina since he had seen it's clear skies but it felt so much longer, so much has changed Al-an felt as if his inquiries would go unanswered, but knew the root of this cruel fracture began and ended the the Elisskat...

They would answer to his demands.

Part of him realized it would be best to initiate the purification protocols before the multiple amounts of waterborne pathogens became problematic and poisoned the dying environment with potentially dangerous diseases.

But was that even necessary at this point, how long had such taint been left to fester unmonitored..?

Such worries again will go unanswered but even so...things could be worse for them, the warmth of the fragile lifeforms around him make a cunning visage of security...

The sound of quiet snores fill in the dark empty space, the warmth of Robin curled up against his side reminds her architect they still had what she referred to as hope..

An avian force undiminished even against the greatest of odds, such odds the architect would rather not test his optimistic human's theories against.

Al-an's troubled thoughts disperse as his attention shifts to his human, her sleep is often is, by what he cannot phantom but such recurrence do not dampen the precursor's envy of such methods of escape, invaluable it would be to share such experiences together, thoughts, memories and data... endless possibilities of little consequence.

Dream an endless dream, and with it we will shape a universe that will shelter us from despair...

There would be no limits to the refractions they could echo..

Together they would bask in the benefit of her optimism and together subjugate the faceless fears that haunt his human outside of his watchful gaze's reach.

The architect is oblivious to the fact that he has actively started petting the sleeping researcher's head, fond claws running through streaks of ebony, fixating of the feeling of her curls slid through the foli of his claw, surprised that he even has the mental capacity to briefly wonder if the action is responsible for his swiftly receding temper..

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