Chapter 17: Beacon

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"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, just sore, Robin what the hell happened in there?!"

"We" The researcher explains distractedly checking over the man for wounds.


Music to set the mood. Lol


Inside the ship was a complete wreck, doorways torn clean from their frames, several walls looked to have been blasted clean through, debris was everywhere, he spotted a navigation terminal and a large familiar tank situated in what used to be a navigation wing, much like the one within their own ship but it's glasslike surface was smashed completely and devoid of it's healthy glow, the interface fairing no better with the glass of its smooth surface shattered...

Burns marred the walls, holes melted into the ship's chassis, as if cut with high frequency beams the place was wrecked and not from disuse.

However what made hermit stiffen with alarm was the unnerving amount of bones littering the derelict ship's cuirass, piles upon piles neatly situated by the drone's who's destroyed carapaces also decorated this mass grave..

"Is this the devastation we shielded them from..?" Al-an lamented despondently, taking in his surroundings with slowly amounting apprehension.

It was obvious a fight took place there and from the looks of it the inhabitants of this ship were fighting for their lives...a fight they seemingly lost.

"What happened here...?" Ryley frowned his throat feeling inexplicably dry, the signs of desperation were not unlike the raided survival pods he discovered back on 4546b, where the survivors of the stranded aurora fought tooth and nail against the assault of relentless warpers, the blood didn't need to be fresh for the hermit to recognise the ship was drenched in it..

Fuck he wished he still had his PDA.

"A culling..." Al-an clarified quietly, stopping to study the smashed tank, raising a claw but hesitating, the architect could not stifle the colors of his despair bleeding into his carapace..

"Ryley you should probably wait out here, I want to collect samples, and we're not one hundred percent certain how your proteins spread on Adelphi.." Robin broke the silence finally, her voice oddly neutral, as she took in the devastation around her.

"Yeah I can do that...I'll wait here, and uhh keep searching for the drone..." Ryley agreed bravely, but in truth he didn't want to be alone in there, not with the large drones all looking to him as if begging for help, aid in which he did not understand how to fulfill.

It felt suffocating, as if he was standing in an empty cemetery.

"We won't be far..just call me if you need us." Robin assured rushing after her distressed companion as he suddenly rushed deeper into the ship.

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