Chapter 19: Close Encounters

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After a chance encounter with an unknown alien species, the duo end up being seperated from the ship and stranded, but when Robin is forced face the night alone she encounters a confused but intelligent anomaly seeking help...

Meanwhile Ryley is foced to wait vigle on a ship that's a tad more alive then he's comfortable with, ignorant to the fact that the enigmatic presences within the tank may know him better then anyone.

In the end the question still stands...can this Marighettis be saved..?


Check out some vibing music to listen to as you read!:

This one took longer then i liked, i considered glazing over it or cutting the scene all together but ultimately decided against it..

Alots happening and cramming is likely making it confusing lol feel free to ask if your confused.

Thank for reading and commenting and overall support!!..


Robin ignores the insistent tug of guilt, nagging at her conscience for leaving Ryley behind, even if they couldn't return, Robin realized the same way the consciouses locked down the ship it was likely they could do the opposite as well.

If something were to happen, in reality Ryley was better suited to defend himself on the ship than she was, Robin's condition had weakened the researcher and more likely than not if they were invaded she would fall quite easily..

Robin pauses to listen to the woods around her over the deafening beat of her heart rate, a tense second traded to catch her breath, the frigid cold air burned her heaving lungs but the earth beneath her feet was still clinging to the warmth it had soaked up from hours of exposure to the sun's evening rays.

It was as if the whole area was flash frozen!

Around her the woods creaked eerily, frozen branches crunching like thin glass and frosted grass chimed, it felt like the forest was completely empty, every step echoing off the empty space.

Robin scans the woods cautiously as she slowly slinks through the trees, only pausing when she discovered a large swathe of destruction cutting straight into the heart of the forest, uprooted trees and a violently upturned forest floor littered its path, it looked as if a massive bulldozer had barraged it's way clean through.

As intrigued as Robin was, this discovery is swiftly dismissed in lieu of more pressing goals.

While the researcher did not explicitly follow the path of destruction, it becomes alarmingly apparent how close it was to the derelict ship.

Had Robin pressed her luck and recklessly investigated the path of wreckage, she'd have discovered the ominous ship idling, its frigid halls void of inhabitants.

Instead, she beelined for the downed precursor ship, intent on warning her architect of the possible anomaly that recently took place, unaware the ship now held two lifeforms..

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