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I arrive to the hospital and tell the lady at the front desk I am having contractions. I am rushed to a room where they prepared me to give birth today. It is only August 19th. 8 weeks to early.

Jay ran through the door with both of our mothers. They were all staying in the room during the birth. The pain is extremely uncomfortable. I am 8 centimeters dialated. The pain is becoming unbearable.

After 12 hours of labor, we had our son. He is a premature baby. He weighs 4 pounds 2 ounces and is 17 inches long. The baby is very unstable and was rushed to NICU. He will require several weeks of NICU care, most 32 weekers quickly catch up to their peers and have few long term effects of prematurity.

Our baby has been in the NICU for 3 hours. I haven't even held him, or touched him yet. I want to see the baby. I am so worried I started to cry.

The doctor came in, I sprung up from the bed. "I have some news on your baby, he is having a hard time breathing." we gasp, "He should be able to breath on his own in a few weeks maybe a couple of months." Jay asked "when can we see him?" "In a few days if you are lucky." was the answer he gave. Jay asked "When can they come home?" "Adriana can go home tomorrow afternoon, but your son has to say till he is fully developed and breathing better but you can visit him whenever he is better."

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