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The door bell starts ringing multiple time. I open the door. "hey Adriana!!!" yelled my sister-in-law, Morgan. She is always extremely loud, excited, and positive. Morgan is accompanied by her husband, Rick. Plus there three adorable kids. London, their oldest child is hiding behind everyone else, she is a shy ten year old. Their other children are twin boys Richard and Ronald. They're almost three. Little troublemakers but they are both completely adorable, which makes up for it.

"Go on in Jay is in the kitchen" I told them and followed behind them. They are about half an hour early. So I brought out the goldfish cards for them to play at the diningroom table.

Surprisingly my whole family arrived at the same time. My mother jumped out of the car and came over and hugged Jay and I. Next thing I know here come my father and older brothers. Ray and Ryan are a little on the crazy side. They both are single still, and live at home with our parents. Which surprises me since Ray is 32 and Ryan is 35. They should at least have girlfriends by now.

My sister came in a separate car with her individual family but arrived at same time.My sister, Sammy is beautiful. Her past boyfriends always just use her, and don't actually want to be with her. Sammy has four children. She has never been married though. She had her oldest, Janay at 16. She is very pretty, long black hair, and glimmering brown eyes that pop out. Sammy is now 28. Another child of hers is Jason. Jason is 9. He a very adventurous little boy. Jason and his brother, Josh are little side kicks, always getting in trouble together. Josh is 7 now. The newest addition is Jasmine, but I call her Jassy. She just recently turned 1. I invited them all in.

Jay started to set out plates and silverware for everyone. I prepared coffee and kool-aid for our guest. I heard the front door open. I figured it was just one of the kids playing around. Then in come both of Jay's parents they greeted us both with hugs. Then went into the living room with everyone else. Jays parents chatted a little with my parents until dinner was completed.

"Dinner is done, come eat guys" called jay. All of the adults sat at the dining room table and the children sat at the table Jay set up on the patio.

We all make small talk while eating hamburgers and hotdogs. Jay puts his hand on my thigh, and he winks at me. Then he stands up. He cleared his throat. "I have something to tell all of you" Jay says catching our families attention. I stand up also, "we both have something to tell you" I added. Jay put his hand on my belly. "We are expecting!" I exclaimed. Everyone lit up, plenty of hugs were received and given. Jay and I gave out our details about our first doctor appointment. We all talked, and fantasized about the future for the new baby.

My parents and brothers are leaving because it is getting late. We all hugged goodbye. Next thing I know everyone else is leaving also. We say our goodbyes and then head for bed.

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