The Answer

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We pulled up to the Saint Janice Hospital. This is the hospital that Braven is in. "Something is wrong with Braven?" I ask worriedly as we jogged into the emergency entry. No answer from Jay still just a low mutter.

"Are you related to Morgan or Rick Hudson?" A nurse asked as we approached the front desk. Jay still in silence could not answer "Yes Morgan Hudson is my husbands sister." I replied pointing to Jay. She asked us to sit down in the waiting area. We walked to the closest chairs open and sat down.

Suddenly a doctor dressed in all white sat down beside us and stated "Morgan, Rick, and London Hudson have all been in a car accident. Morgan has minor bruises and cuts on her legs arms and has broken three of her fingers." "So she will be okay?" I asked "Yes, but Rick on the other hand is in a coma. We believe he hit his head on the steering wheel. He is suffering from traumatic head injury." We both started to cry. "And what about London?" Jay finally spoke up. "London has two broken ribs and a severe cut on her left arm." he answered.

The doctor stood up and told us he would be back in a few minutes. He said when he finished doing what he needed to he would come get us. We could both go back to each of their hospital rooms to see them. Rick was in a different room, but the girls are in a room together.

Jay's parents rushed through the door, they were on their way back from picking up the Richard and Ronald. Therefore the twins arrived here at the hospital with them. As soon as they spotted us the twins both ran over to Jay. The both of them climbed onto his lap.

I stood up to inform my in-laws what had happened been the emergency. Jay slightly grabbed my arm and handed me the twins. "Watch the boys." I nodded in agreement.

Jay walked his parents to the other side of the room to tell them about the incident with out the twins hearing. I sat Richard and Ronald on the chair next to me. They are each so tiny they can both sit comfortablely on one chair.

I could over hear a little, Jay telling them "Morgan, Rick, and London have been in a accident. A car accident on there way back from picking up London at the dance studio. Morgan has minor bruises and cuts. Oh and She also broke three fingers. London has two broken ribs and a severe cut on her arm. They will both be okay." by the time he finished his mother was sobbing. Her husband tried to comfort her by rubbing his hand up and down her back. "Rick is in a coma. The doctors think he is suffering from traumatic head injury from hitting his head on the steering wheel." She started to cry more hysterically just hearing this sentence.

As soon as they got her to calm down a bit they came over to us. They took a seat on a sofa near by. Five minutes passed and the same doctor walked out of the big yellow doors. He told us that we could all go see Morgan and London.

We all hop on the elevator. The doctor pushed button 3 it lit upa yellow color. *Ding* The elevator doors opened. I picked up Ronald. Jay already had Richard in his arms. All you could she is a long gloomy hallway. We step off the elevator. "Room 283" the doctor said and pushed another button. The doors shut leaving us by ourselves. We all turned around to the direction of the hallway.

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