Chapter 1

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Emma Swan found herself buying a ticket for the train in a sunny but fresh morning of a Monday. She couldn't help to feel nervous. The reason? The first and last time she had been on a train her life was miserable, the cause which made her take that transportation was something that still gave her nightmares.

If the station made her feel that way then why was she there? Well, Emma had her car fixed, it wasn't going to be ready until who knew when. She didn't find someone who could give her a lift, there were no available cabs in the street and her workplace was too far to go by foot. She had to reluctantly take the only option left.

The station was overcrowded. It was really hard to not feel intimidated by the sudden pushes people gave in order to get into the train. Emma made her way to it, clutching her purse in the arms until she managed to get inside.

Occupied. Occupied. Occupied. And... oh, occupied. She thought as her eyes searched for an available place.

Emma kept walking until she spotted one. It was close to the exit door, but there was a person seating across it. She'd rather sat alone, finding uncomfortable to have a stranger in front of her. However, it was that or remain stand during the fifteen-minute trip. She shook her head discreetly and approached herself to the man.

"Good morning. Is this place taken?" She asked as he took his eyes off the newspaper he was reading.

"No. It's all yours"

It's said there are no coincidences, that everything happens by design. Life takes you where it wants to, to the right and exact place where you are meant to be. The fact that Emma took the train instead of any other transportation was a destiny thing. Her life was about to change forever.

She sat, sighing once the train was moved off. From her black purse she took out a book, a collection of tales from the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, and started to read "The Ugly Duckling".

She had scarcely finished the third paragraph when she unconsciously directed her gaze to the young man in front of her. He was wearing a gray scarf, a thin jacket and jeans.

A casual but nice outfit. She thought.

"How large the world is!" Said the young ducks when they found out how much more room they now had while..."

Emma realized he had very pretty eyes as well. They were ocean blue, she had never seen such eyes.

"...while they were inside the egg "Do you imagine this is the whole world? Asked the mother, "Wait till... till..."

Emma shut down her eyes. I can't concentrate! Is it because of him? Of course not.

She gave the black haired guy a quick glance before returning her eyes to the book.

But I have to admit... He's quite handsome.

Finally, with that thought in her mind, she managed to return her attention to the story.

Killian Jones had finished reading the first page of the newspaper. His head was filled with economical problems, corruption and political stuff. He kept it inside his suitcase and moved his eyes to the woman who sat across him. He hadn't payed her a lot of attention when she asked him about the place, but now he did.

There was something about her that attracted him. Was it her long golden hair? Her red lips? The way she moved her gaze as she read? He didn't know. But he was sure about one thing: she was quite beautiful.

He turned his head to the window, watching the outside world. Emma stopped at the middle of the story and looked at Killian once more. She was unexplainably mesmerized by him. Emma knew that wasn't her, she had never felt attracted by a complete stranger.

Killian noticed she was staring at him so he decided to turn his head again and give her a charming smile. Emma blushed and felt so stupid that her first reaction was to lift up the book and place it in front of her face, as if it had the power and size to hide her.

That was brilliant, Emma. She thought with sarcasm, feeling her cheeks turning redder.

"Do you like reading?" He asked, trying to make the situation less uncomfortable.

Emma lowered the book a bit, just letting show her eyes and nose "Yeah. What about you?"

"Sometimes. Although I still have the bad memory of school years, when teachers made me read something I disliked for real"

Emma couldn't help smiling. She lowered the book, placing it on her lap "I know the feeling"

There was a small silence between them. The only thing they heard were other people talking and the sound of the train's wheels rolling through the railway.

"May I ask why you chose Andersen?"

"There's no particular reason. I just found nice to read some fairytales"

"Sometimes that's exactly what we need in this world, a story where you can forget about reality"


A female voice announced the train's arrival to the following station. Emma looked at the clock in her wrist.

8:15. Just in time for work.

"Reality calls" she said disgusted as she stood up, keeping the book inside her purse again "Thanks for... The chat"

Killian remained seated "Will I... Uhm... See you again?" he dared to ask. Emma bit her lower lip.

"Perhaps" the woman grinned before making her way out with the rest of the persons who descended at the station.

Through the window, Killian Jones spotted Emma Swan walking away with her curly hairs moving from one side to another with every step she gave.

"Perhaps" he repeated hopefully, drawing a small grin in his face.

The train moved again. Killian was too concentrated on Emma that he had forgotten about descending at the previous station, so he arrived a little late to his work.

However, it didn't really matter. He had finally found his true love even though neither were aware of it yet.

~ ~ ~ ~

Hello sweethearts!! I'm back!! It's been a while since the last FF, my apologies.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who has read my previous CS works (When The Tide Is High and After All). You guys are amazing!!

Second, I want to let you know that thanks to all those good comments on my fics, I feel so happy that you make me keep writing more stories. I love every single one of my readers and I appreciate your support 💕.

Last but not the least, this new Captain Swan story is different from my other ones. This is a modern AU with no magic. I really hope you guys like it a lot because this is dedicated to every shipper out there who loves this dashing couple.

Thanks again! Don't forget to leave a comment, vote and follow my account if you haven't. Have a sweet day! ❤️

P. S. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes you might encounter, English is not my first language

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