Chapter 2

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Emma's POV
It was already seven PM by the time I made my way home with the image of the blue eyed guy I had met that morning. I couldn't get him out of my head! Why?

Sighing, I made it to my building, a four store one in the middle of two small and noiseless streets near downtown Boston; a lovely and peaceful spot to live.

I arrived to my floor, the third one, and rang my neighbors' bell.

The door was opened as Regina showed up with a messy ponytail and dressed in her pajamas.

"Hard day?" I asked joking.

"Mock all you want. Being a teacher is no easy job"

"You teach to 4th grade kids"

"They are a mess. Except for your boy" Regina turned her head backwards "Henry! Your mom's here!"

"Coming!" A little voice yelled from the inside.

"Thanks for taking care of him"

"That's what best friends do"

"Did he do his homework?"

"Of course he did. I'm his teacher, I made sure he finished it all. He even had time to help my Roland with his homework"

"Hey mom" the ten year old boy hugged me.

"Hey kid, why don't you start preparing some hot cocoa? I have to tell something to Regina. I'll be there in a minute"

"Sure. Bye Regina! See you tomorrow!"

"Sweet dreams, Henry"

I waited for my son to be far enough to listen and then I spoke. "I took the train this morning"

"Oh" Regina straightened up herself and crossed her arms "It was the first time since... That thing, wasn't it?"

I replied with a nod.

"And what happened? Could you handle it?"

"Miraculously, yes. Though, I think the reason why I was able to do it so was because something amazing happened"

Regina frowned "What? Did the train take you to Hogwarts?" She quipped.

I rolled my eyes "It would've been cool, but it wasn't something like that. It was... Better, if you ask me"

"What can be better than Hogwarts?"

I turned my head to both sides before replying.

"A guy"

"Now we're talking" she said with a mischievous grin "Tell me about him. What's his name?"

"We didn't have enough time to-"

"Oh, Emma" she interrupted me with a frown in her face.

"It all happened so quick. But I have this little hunch telling me that I will see him more often in the train"

"Good. Just..." Regina hesitated for an instant "Nothing"


"You're gonna get mad at me"

"I'll try not to. Come on, spit it out"

"Be careful with him"

"And you're saying this because...?"

"I really don't like to talk about it but I must. The last time you fell for a man you suffered terrible consequences"

"Regina, don't get started"

"See? Now you're mad. But as your best friend I feel obliged to guide you through the right side. Yes, the guy might be handsome and a sweetheart, but what if he turns out to be just like-"

This time, I interrupted her "Like Neal?"

The mere mention of his name made me shudder, feeling my skin getting cold.

"Look, I didn't know the eighteen year old Emma Swan, but I bet she had the same attitude you're having right now when she met Neal Cassidy for the first time. You thought he was the perfect man. How long did it take you to realize he was a total jerk?"

I clenched my teeth. Talking about that specific subject made me feel mixed emotions. Regina was right. I was angry. Nonetheless, I knew that getting mad at my friend wasn't worth it. I didn't have a lot of persons with whom I could count on.

"Regina. Ten years ago I was a foolish girl who saw the world differently. I thought that life revolved around me and that no one else mattered. When I was with Neal I never thought about consequences. What I felt for him blinded me and... I was stupid. But I've changed. Not only I'm a grown up woman but a mother. I can tell the difference between good and evil"

Regina gave me a small smile before sighing. "I know, Emma. I just don't want you to make the same mistake. You deserve to be happy"

I hugged Regina. More than a friend she was like a sister to me. Someone who had supported me since the first moment I moved to Boston. "Thanks. And don't worry. I can take care of myself"


"How was school?" I asked my son while I washed the dishes.

"Cool. We began to prepare the Spelling Bee contest"

"Great. I can help you study if you want"

"Yes, please. I still get stuck with some words. What about you? How was work?"

"Nice. Today a new collection of astronomic books arrived. Perhaps you can check them out this weekend"

Oh, by the way, I worked at a library located downtown as the owner's assistant. It wasn't the most extraordinary work but I loved it.

"Sounds nice"

After tucking Henry in his bed and giving him a good night's kiss, I plopped myself down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, intending to sleep. But something, more like someone, popped up in my thoughts.


What was happening to me? Why was that guy making me feel unexplainable things? What made him so special?

I covered my body with the cold sheets and closed my eyes, trying to forget about him.

Tomorrow this will end. Maybe it's just temporary.

However, it wasn't going to be that way. I was about to experience love as I never had before. It would only be a matter of time until things fell right into their place...

~ ~ ~

Hi lovelies! I just want to tell you some things about the fic:
-I'll be updating each 4 days minimum.
-Throughout the story you will find third person narrator, Emma's POV & Killian's POV (I love to explore them all and think the fic is more interesting that way haha)

Aand that's all!

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