Chapter 24

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Killian's POV
Emma held my arm as we walked through the main street of Storybrooke. Most of the shops were closed even though their signs were illuminating the town.

"Granny's Diner" I said reading out loud the sign across the street "Is that the place you told me about? The one with the best grilled cheese?"

"Yes! You need to taste it, and the hot cocoa too. I'm so taking you there tomorrow"

"I'm looking forward to it"

We kept walking until we reached the dock. You could easily listen tk the waves crashing against the rocks and the small ships that floated there. However, it was hard to distinguish the ocean as it camouflaged with the pitch black sky that stood above it.

We found a bench in the middle of the dock and took a seat there, our hands now interlaced tightly.

I looked at Emma and found the same worried expression she had when I saw her at the bedroom in her parent's loft.

"You know..." I began "I'm quite perceptive and I can see that something's bugging you, Swan"

She smiled "I can't really hide anything from you, can I?"

"You're like an open book to me. It's not hard to read you"

She gazed at the distance and sighed.

"You're right. I've been hiding something from you for a long time and I must tell you. The problem is that I'm afraid of your reaction"

I frowned before shifting a little bit in the bench.

"Is it something bad?" I asked.

She didn't answer. She only looked at me with nervous eyes.

"Love, I've told you uncountable times that no matter what obstacles we may encounter we will always face them... Together"

"I know... But this is different, Killian. The magnitude of this does not compare to the others. And I'm scared of losing you"

"Emma, you're not losing me. Just tell me, what is it?"

She took a deep breath and took both of my hands.

"When I was in the hospital after the fire in The Jolly Roger, the doctors made me some analysis to make sure I was okay and... They told me something which I wasn't aware of until that very moment"

I had the feeling it was going to be something related to an incurable illness, something that was making Emma feel sick or some stuff like that. I was dying internally; I was so scared of whatever she was going to say that I unconsciously began to squeeze her hands harder.

"What?" I asked desperately, preparing myself mentally for whatever she was going to say.

She took her time on answering.

"I'm pregnant with your child, Killian" she said in a wavering voice before a couple of teardrops fell from her eyes.

I stared at her in shock as my head processed Emma's words.

It's not an illness. She's fine.

She's pregnant.

Emma Swan is expecting a baby.

My baby.

Our child.

Emma and I are gonna be parents.

"Killian? Killian?" She called my name loudly, trailing me away from my thoughts and bringing me back to reality "Say something... Please"

"I... I can't believe it. We're gonna be parents... We're going to have a kid... Emma, this is the biggest news I've ever heard!" I said with a wide grin.

She frowned "You mean you're not angry? Disconcerted?"

"A bit disconcerted, aye. But not angry. Why would I be? This is bloody amazing!"

"You're okay with this then?"

"Of course I am! Emma, I know that the last time you went through this you didn't have a good time, but this one is completely different. I'm not Neal. What that bastard did to you is not gonna happen again with me. You won't be alone. I will stay by your side, we'll raise our child together and we'll be a family. Well, we already are a family but we'll add a new member" I said trying to reassure her.

She smiled before surrounding my neck with her arms. I felt and heard her sobs before breaking apart from the embrace. Her face was filled with tears.
I wiped away some of them softly, letting her know that she didn't have to worry about the situation.

"I love you" she whispered.

"And I love you too, Swan"

There was a long silence between us. The tide was stronger now, the waves crashed against the dock with more and more power.

Suddenly, I felt Emma's head lying on my shoulder. I smiled and kissed the top of it before placing my left arm around her.

"Boy or girl?" I asked calmly.

"I don't know yet. The baby is only month and a half old"

"Month and a half? Wow!"

She giggled "Yeah. The day of the incident the doctors told me I was two weeks pregnant, and it's been a month since then"

"Why did you tell me this until now? Why not before?"

Emma straightened herself again "A lot of stuff was going on. Between the restaurant and the fact that I was scared..."

"It's alright, love. I understand what you were going through" I said with a smile "Does anyone else knows about it?"

"Nope. Just you and me"

After a while we made our way back to the loft since the night was getting colder and it was almost eleven PM.
Before going upstairs, Emma stopped in her tracks, letting go of one of my hands she was holding.

"What?" I asked.

"We have to tell Henry and my parents that I'm pregnant"

"You mean like right now?"

"Yeah, why not?"

I gulped. "Your dad is so putting a bullet in my head"

Emma laughed before opening the door, ready to go directly to her parents and tell them the news.


Jaja I was reading your comments on last chapter and I saw that many of you guessed that Emma was pregnant :)

Thanks for your support! I love to write this story so much :3

More to come!!

ONE. DAY. UNTIL. ONCE. UPON. A. TIME. Can you believe it? I remember when we had to wait like 130 days for the show to come back jajaja

Love you guys! :)

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