Guys Night Out!

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Finally! Something I know about. Let's just get right into this bitches!!...Sorry I had too it rhymed

Smoke fell flat on his face and Noob fell on top of him.

"AAHHH! Noob get off of me!" Smoke yelled.

"Damn, I could tell the bish still had some feeling for you." Noob said getting off Smoke.

"Think I didn't know that? She needs to move on its been, what? Two or three months!"

"Man, you gotta shut yo ass up. We gots to meet Scorp!"

The duo ran toward Scorpion and Noobs dorm room.

Noob pounded on the door. And a maskless Ermac opened the door.

"Hey! Mac, what happened to your mask bro?" Smoke asked.

" not know."

"What the duck? Motha fucka how in the world did you lose yo shits without you noticing?" Noob asked.

They entered the dorm room and saw a passed out Scorpion on the ground.

"What type of bullshit is this?" Smoke asked kicking Scorpions body.

"Passed out of a candy coma." Ermac laughed.

"A candy coma? Da fuq?!?!" Noob yelled and their was a loud ass pound by the wall.

From the other side of the wall, "You bitches best shut the fuck up!"

It took everyone a second to find out it was Kenshi.

"Haha! Why isn't Kenshi over here with us?" Noob asked.

"Lazy prick wanted to sleep." Scorpion said.

"Oh, that makes sens-wait hold up! Scorpion I thought you were in a coma!" Smoke shouted.

"I was till yo dumbass kicked me." Scorpion replied and shook the candy wrappers off of him. The door was suddenly kicked open and a angry and shirtless Kenshi stormed in.

"When a brother needs his rest, YOU LET HIM HAVE HIS GODDAMN REST!" He yelled.

"Hey shut yo arse up!" Kano yelled from a distance.

"Shut up you damn Australian!" Kenshi yelled.

Smoke tackled Kenshi and began to slap the shit out of him, "GET YO SHIT TOGETHER!!!"


From outside the dorms...

"So how's it feel like to be a married man?" Kung Lao asked.

"Feels strange?" Liu asked.

"What do you mean stran-"


"Holy shit! Zombie Apocalypse!!" Liu yelled.

"AHHH- Wait...maybe it's just Smoke."

"Oh, hahaha!"

Back to Scorpions dorm...

As Smoke continued to slap the holy hell out of Kenshi, Noob sat down and began to eat some candy while Scorpion ordered the pizza and Ermac teleported away to buy the drinks. By the time Smoke was done, Ermac had bought four 24 packs of soda and Scorpion ordered the pizza while Noob was in a candy coma.

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