Two days had passed and still no one had heard from Mileena, Kitana, Shang Tsung, or Sindel.
"Are they okay?" Lao asked.
"Have no fear. It usually takes a long time. Who knows how long it will take to deliver dis baby?" Bo Rai Cho had answered but still everyone was worried.
Jade quietly opened her phone and looked at her messages.
J: Kitana! Answer! Wat happened?
J: omg y r u not answering?!
Jade looked up from her phone and looked at Skarlet.
"I think we should go see them."
"What do you mean? We don't even know which hospital they could be in."
"I don't think Kitana and Mileena would stay in the hospital. I don't even think Sindel is gonna give birth! It hasn't even been that long since we found out she was pregnant!"
Skarlet thought for a while. "Why would Bo Tai Cho lie about that then?"
"Maybe he misheard? He's not exactly the smartest guy I know."
"You're right. We should go see them then."
Later that day.
Jade, Skarlet, Sonya, and Tanya walked to the Tsung residence. When they arrived Jade knocked. The door opened and showed an unshaven Shang Tsung who looked miserable.
"Oh, hello girls." He said in surprise. "What brings you all here?"
"We were worried. Kitana and Mileena haven't been to school and we haven't heard about Sindel giving birth yet." Sonya said.
"She's barely in her third trimester. Why would she suddenly give birth?"
"See!" Jade said. "Mr. Bo Rai Cho said Mrs. Sindel was gonna give birth."
"He did? Well no she's not." He opened the door wider and they stepped in.
Skarlet looked around the room. "Wheres Foxy?"
Sir Tsung looked at her. "It would be best if you went to the girls' room."
They looked at each other and walked up the stairs to the familiar sign that read, Intruders get SHOT!
Jade hesitated before knocking.
There was a shuffle and Mileena appeared.
"Jade?" she croaked and covered her eyes from the bright light. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked in a tired voice.
"We were worried." Tanya said and they nodded.
Jade looked inside. "Wheres Kitana?"
Mileena looked back in the room. "She's not doing so well."
"What happened?" Sonya asked.
Mileena stared at them. "You don't know?"
"Why would we be asking if we knew?" Skarlet asked.
Mileena shrugged. "You can come in."
They walked in and realized it was a mess. Then they looked toward Kitana who was clutching something staring at the wall in thought. She looked tired and dry tears and mascara covered her face.
"Kitana?!" Jade ran to her friends side and kneeled next to her. "Kat? Whats wrong? What happened?"
Kitana didn't move. Instead she closed her eyes.
"...Kat? You okay?" Jade moved closer and suddenly Kitana wrapped her arms around Jade and started to cry. Sonya, Skarlet and Tanya ran to her in attempt to comfort her.

Mortal Kombat School
De TodoIn a world that sometimes doesn't make sense because the author is an idiot and forgets everything about his own work, the kombatants are faced with their biggest challenge yet...high school. Drama will strike, tears will be shed, (hopefully) people...