A Scorpion in Heat

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Everyone looked at Kenshi who was sprawled out on the floor.
Smoke calmly walked over and kneeled next to Kenshi.

"Psst, KenKen you okay?" He asked.

"Ijm purfuctly fiuhn"

"Lift up your head bud."

Kenshi raises his head. "I am perfectly fine." He assured.

"Great! So can you tell me." Smoke inhaled loudly. "WHY YOU JUST FUCKING FELL FROM THE CIELING!?!!"

Everyone laughed as Kenshi sat up.

"See, I'm not quiet sure." Kenshi said. "I was sitting down drinking a cup of tea and suddenly Godzilla came outta nowhere and threw me across the world." He said. "I shit you not."

"Okay." Smoke placed a hand on Kenshi's shoulder. "Kenny. Don't be alarmed. But I am pretty sure your high."

"Well...I can't say I'm not!"

Ermac poked his head from the Kenshi-sized hole in the ceiling. "Yo."

"Sup." Smoke said.

"So sorry about Kenshi falling from the ceiling and shit." He said slowly floating down from the heavens above.

"Not gonna lie." Stryker said walking towards them. "That was majestic."

"Kenshi." Ermac said. "Remember what Sonya said?"

"You're a waste of air and space?"

"The other thing."

"Go fuck your selfie and die in a hole?"

"Kenshi!" Ermac shouted.

"What? She said all that before!"

"Honestly! She said stay in bed or you'll see red, now lets go." Ermac quietly pushed Kenshi out of the room.

"WELL THAT WAS HAWKWARD!!!" Liu shouted from the other side of the room.

80 minutes later

"I'm sorry if you thought I was cheating on you." Smoke said.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you." Jade responded and they both hugged.

"Aww, how cute." Kitana said as Foxy quietly slept on her lap.

"I have LITERALLY never seen anything this adorable." Liu agreed. Jade and Smoke start to make out. "Okay I'm leaving."

Kitana laughed and followed Liu out of the room, leaving only Mileena, Skarlet, Scorpion and a sad Foxy that stared at the door Kitana had exited from.

"Well. I am going to the bathroom." Skarlet said getting up.

Scorpion and Mileena quietly shifted in their seats as Jade and Smoke violently made out.

This is awkward as fuck, Scorpion thought.

Mileena looked a Scorpion, "Should we leave?" She asked whispering.

Scorpion looked back at the couple and turned to Mileena. "I think we should."

As they both walked from the room Foxy followed them.

"Aww, Foxy. You wanna go see Kitty?" Mileena asked and Foxy barked his approval.

"Holy fuck that bitch just spoke." Scorpion said.

Mileena laughed. "He is not a girl."

"Ah. My bad." He cleared his throat. "Holy fuck that prick just spoke."

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