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Over the months it was tough for both Venti and Barbara, that is with Barbara in severe pain and Venti disliking having to see her go through it. Venti sat next to her sleeping body when he notices little baby wings on her back; a side effect of his power he assumed. Her hair was very long by now, after all she couldn't get it cut due to her current state, and her bangs went over her eyes now. Venti pat her head gently as he laid down next to her for the night, gazing at her beauty until he drifted off. When he woke up he saw Barbara sitting up, quite the surprise since she refused to move after the ceremony, so he sat up next to her. He kissed her cheek and greeted her, "Good morning gorgeous, feeling any better? Want me to get you food?"

"It's slightly better but I'm still in pain, my body has cramps all over but also I'm sore from lying in bed for so long...Perhaps we could go sit at the table together?"

He smiled, getting up, "Sure darling, I'll help you to the table; Just grab my hand and I'll support your back."

He did exactly as he said, aiding her to the table for breakfast. They greeted Zhongli but he had to go to the funeral parlor so it was just them now. They sat at the table, plates in front of them holding fisherman's toast, enjoying their meal. Barbara was scarfing it down since she was beginning to recover from the huge changes in her body. Venti stood up and went behind Barbara's chair, looking at the little wings again.

He began, "You know how you like my wings?"

"Yeah, I really do! Just so fluffy and warm...They're like two giant blankets!"

"Ehe! Well, I think you're growing your own pair after all you did drink some of my own magic."

She looked back at him, surprised, "Are you serious about that? Do I actually have my own pair?"

"Well they're tiny right now but I assume they're going to grow. Not to fear though, your savior is here! Ehe! I'll help you maintain them, and you'll get used to them...However I will have to teach you how to hide them, after all you can't just go walking around in public with them; especially when visiting mondstadt."

Then he grabbed her hair and began to braid it, making two braids in the back and he had two in the front himself to match. He took Barbara back to bed, making sure to give her little pecks on the way. They giggled together as he did so, and soon she was back to sitting on the bed as she sighed.

"I know being stuck here isn't much fun but I promise we'll get to explore for the rest of eternity afterwards!"

"You're right Venti, and well...There was something I wanted to talk about. As you know I was a deaconess for the church so I got to learn a lot about Barbatos aka you...Is it true you're an adorable little wind spirit!?"

He chuckled, holding her cheek as he gazed into her sapphire eyes. He planted a kiss on her forehead before lying down next to her, relaxing his back against the headboard, "Maybe, maybe not~"

She grabbed him in a playful way as she chuckled, "Cmon! Spit it out! I need to know!"

"It's true, I am a mere little wind spirit, well was anyway. It's a random topic though, how'd you think about it-"

"Well I guess I just want to know all about your adventures when we got onto the topic...I want to know more about your past, Barbatos..."

"My past..?"

~630 Words~

A Protective Wind 🍃Venbara🍃Where stories live. Discover now