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im 6 years old and I'm in kindergarten it's my first day of school everyone is talking about there tattoos mine is on my ribs but I'm just sitting alone coloring a turtle picture from a coloring book

Them these two girls walk up to me

"Hi" the taller girl says

"Oh hey" I say

"I'm sam this is my sister tara wanna be friends?" She says to me

"Sure" I say

They both sit next to me tara on the seat to my left and sam on the right

"What are you drawing?" Tara asks me

"A turtle" I say

"What's his name" sam ask

"I don't know mabey steven?" I say

"Sure" they both say

"Guys did you know there are people with gay tattoos" tara says

"What's gay mean?" I say

"Yea What's that mean?" Tara adds on

"I don't know but my parents said if me and tara are gay we would get kicked out" she says

"Oh well What name does your tattoo say?" I ask

"Mine says ...amber freeman?" Tara says

"That's a funny last name" I say and sam laughs

"What about you sam?" I say

"Mine says Jill Robert's" sam says

"That's even funnier" tara laughs

"What about yours anika?" Tara says

"Mine says mindy meeks?" I say

Me and sam and Tara were about to start talking when the teacher said

"Today we are going to talk about the types of solmates" mrs.fran says

"First type is romantic, this type of solmate means your in love with them and want to be together" the teacher says

"Next type is platonic this type of solmate means you love them but just as friends so you will protect them at all times so if you have your siblings name it's probably platonic" she says

Then a boy raises his hand

"Yes?" The teacher says

"How do we know if our tattoo is platonic or romantic?" He ask

"Under the name of your solmate tatto there should be a little letter ether a p or a r if it's a p it means it's platonic and if it a r it's romantic" she says

Me sam and Tara look at our tattoos we all got romantic


*I made up the name don't look up the school it don't exist*


Me and my brother chad are at our first day if kindergarten at opay elementary school

We are in class and then this boy and girl come up to us

"Hi im quinn and this is my brother ethen" the girl says

"Hi" I say

"Hey I'm chad and this is my sister mindy wanna be friends" my brother says

"If that's fine with your sister sure" she says

"Yes I would love to be friends" I say

They sit down with me and chad

"So are you and your solmates platonic or romantic?" Ethen ask

"What's that mean?" Me and chad ask

He tells us what it means and we tell each other what our tattoos say

"Mine says liv MacKenzie" chad says

"And we are romantic" he adds on

"Me and quinn are platonic solmates" ethan says

"Nice!" Me and chad say

"What about you mindy" ethen says

"Oh Mine says anika kayoko?" I say

"That's a funny last name" chad says

" yea but it's also pretty I gusee" quinn says and I agree



I'm in class with my cousin liv MacKenzie at cherry-kate elementary school we are in kindergarten

"So do you think that we will ever find out solmates sid?" My cousin ask me

"Obviously liv because you and your solmate are meant to be so the universe will let you find them" I reply

"Oh yea what's your tattoo say?" She ask me

"Mine says tatum riley" I say

"What about you?" I add on

"Mine says chad meeks" she says

"That's cool we'll let's pay attention now" I say and we listen to the teacher now


Me and my sister tatum are in class drawing when a girl with long black hair comes up to us

"Hey I'm Jill can I draw with you?" She says to me and tatum

"Sure wanna be friends" tatum says

"Yea!" Jill replys

"So what's your guys tattoo says?" I say

"Mine says Sidney presscott" tatum says

"And we are romantically in love" she says

"Mine says tatum but we are platonic" I say

"Mine says sam carpenter" Jill says

"That sounds like a cool last name" I say

Then we continue to color


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