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it's time for me and sam to separate so we could get ready for the wedding we have to be separated for exactly 9 hours

"But I don't wanna leave for that long" she says

"Babe we have to I don't want to ether but think about it the next time we see each other we will be getting married" I smile

"Ok so I will go with quinn and mindy and you go with anika and liv" I say

"Ok but do you think Tara's mad I didn't make her my bridemaid?" She ask

"Babe we already went over this she said she would rather plan the wedding then be the bridesmaid" I say

"Ok byeee" she says sadly

I kiss her

She walks out the door to get in anikas car

And I wait for mindy to pull up

I see her car and I get inside

"Hey let's go get you ready!" Quinn says


"Hey Sam you ready?" Anika ask me

I nod sadly

"What's wrong sam?" Liv ask

"I didn't wanna leave jill" I say

"It's ok we will try to hurry" anika says

We make it to the wedding place and tara and amber are setting up chairs and everything up

While Jill is in a whole other room getting ready

"Ok so ethan have the rings?" Liv ask

"Yup" he says showing us the rings

"Are we done" I say

"Almost" liv says

"So inpatient" anika giggles

I scoff

"I am not" I say

"Whatever" liv says

"Yea..and I'm straight" anika scoffs

"Fine mabey I am a little but just....just hurry up!" I say

They fianniy get done with getting me ready

"Wow" I say

To be honest I was not expecting to actually look good but I do wow

"Hey ethan I have a message can u tell Jill I said this" I say

He nods

"Say I told her if she doesn't cry I'm turning around" I smile

He laughs and goes to tell Jill

Liv and anika are just laughing


I go to tell Jill what anika says

"Hey Jill Sam told me to tell you if you don't cry she will turn around while walking down the aisle" I say

"Ok well tell her I said that I would have cried any way" she says

I run back to Sam's tent

"She said she would have cried anyway" I say

She nods and I go outside to talk to tatum sidney amber and tara

"Hey guys" I say

We have not seen eachother in a long time because they stayed in woodsborrow

"OH MY GOD ETAHN" Tatum says and runs up to me

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