saw and heard everything

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I asked mindy on a date yesterday I was so nervous

I'm sitting in the student lounge with sam and Tara

"So let me get this straight you asked her on a date" tara says

"Yup" I say

"Well where is it gonna be at?" Sam ask

"I'm taking her to the lake" I say

"Speaking of dates and solmates tara did u get a chance to talk to amber?" I ask

"I tried but before I got to her she got in her car but I will be much faster today" she replys

Jill then walks over and sits by sam

"Hey guys" she says taking her backpack off and puts her legs in Sam's lap and smiles at sam, sam smiles back

"I see you guys are comftoble already" I say smirking

"Yea well unlike you waiting forever I asked her on a date and we went out last night and are now dating" Jill says

"I don't believe you" I say

"What?" Sam's say

"Prove it" tara says

"Fine" Jill says

She grabs Sam's face and kisses her sam kisses back

I pull out my phone and take a pic

"Hahaha you gaybo" I say laughing super hard

Tara start laughing also

"Did you forget your also gay?" Tatum says walking up to us with holding hands with Sidney and walking with mindy

"Yea but it's still funny to pretend I'm not and make fun of my friends for being gay" I say

I walk up and hug mindy she hugs back

"Well who's the gaybo now?" Sam says

I flick her off and the whole group laughs

Then chad,wes,liv,ethan,quinn come to us

"Ew it's straight people" jill says

"Oh shut up Jill ur the most straight gay person here" chad says

Her and sam flick him off at the same time

School ends and we all wish tara good luck she then walks off to find amber

Me and mindy get in my car so I can drive her to the lake she still doesn't know where we are going for the date

We get there and I help her out and cover here eyes

"Are you bringing me out here to murder me?" She ask

"No u drama queen I wouldn't dream of it" I say making her laugh

She opens her eyes to the back of my car being filled with snacks and fairy lights with a laptop to watch a movie

"Wow this is awesome" she says

We get in the back keeping the back of the truck open

"What movie should we watch?" I ask

"How about scream?" She says

"I love thoes movies" I say

I turn it on and we start watching it an hour into the movie it starts raining

"Might as well make the rain fun" I say

"What?" She ask

"Wanna dance in the rain" I ask

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