many types of drunk

46 3 1

( 2 months later)

Sam has a Bachelorette party she has to go to and she really does not wanna go but she has to

"Do I have to go?" She whines

"Yes babe it marks your last day as a free woman before you are tied down with me" I smile

"Well I don't wanna be a free woman I wanna be tied with you kinda why I said yes to marring you" she says raising her eyebrow

"Ok ok don't get sassy but I will tell you what if you go to the Bachelorette party I will let you put skittles on our wedding cake" I say

"Even the red ones!?" She ask

"Even the red ones" I confirm

"I'm gonna go get ready right now" she says running upstairs

"Um excuse me" I say sad and offended

"Oh sorry baby" she says kissing me then runs back upstairs


me and mindy are getting ready for Sam's Bachelorette party

I finally get done and I go check on mindy to see if she's done

I walk in and see her struggling to do her hair

"Heyyyyy need some help M?" I ask leaning on the door frame

"Yes it keeps not going the right way" she says frustrated

"Ok what are you trying to do?" I ask

"Two little braids at the front then a low ponytail" she says

"Ok" I say

I finished her hair and she looks in the mirror

"IT looks great babe I love it" she says and hugs me

"We should get going it starts in 25 minutes" she says

We get in the truck


Sam just left

So I do some cleaning and cook some food and watch TV

Ugh it's so boring without her

So I start picking out a wedding gift for mindy and anika

I keep looking and I fiannly found it and everything thing it needs

It's been about 1 hour and 30 minutes since sam left

I'm super bored

So I do some drawing

And she's now been gone for 2 hours

Just then I get a text

"Oh my god she's drunk" I say


MY BABY: hwy so dis gurl woth blomde amd breon haor say I'm gerting maerid to u tomerw

ME: yes we are I'm your fiancee, Jill and ur sam

MY BABY: oh my goah dus pink haur gurl shoed me a picyre of yiu ur vrty prety

ME: baby hand the phone to the girl with blonde and brown hair


Sam hands the phone to me like a child that gets in trouble

I see that Jill told her to

Then Jill starts calling

Me: hey Jill what's up

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