the true beginning of our lives

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where mindy and me had to move was in California because that's where her assigned lawyer office was

Jill and sam also moved here to be closer with us

Amber and tara weren't gonna move to somewhere until they got more settled in same with Sidney and tatum

And liv moved here also but moved in with quinn and ethan

Right now me and mindy are on the way to home depot and Walmart to get stuff to decorate and redo our house or as mindy would say

"Glow up the house"

We are going to Walmart first

We get out and start looking at paint

"So we need to get a color that we both like and that matches our furniture" I say

"Ok" she says

"Ooooo what about this color" i say holding up a purple kinda color

"Uhh um sure" she says

"What's wrong if you don't want the color just tell me I won't be mad mindy it's our house not just mine" I say

Mindy always did want other people wanted to please them and alos she didn't really know how to show or express what she wanted

"Well it's just..i um" she says

"You don't want this color" I say nicely

She nods

"Well then let's choose together" i say and grab her hand

She smiles

"Oo I like this one" she says

"Wow it's so pretty" I say pointing at her

She blushes

"Aww u blushed" I say

"Well I think the color is pretty too" I say

We grab everything we need and get home to set it up


me and sam already painted our house yesterday but now we're getting furniture because we slept on a air mattress last night

Right now I'm looking at couches

"Hey babe I'm bored" sam whines

I turn and look at her and smile

"Do you wanna go look for sheets pillows and blankets for our bed?" I ask

She smiles and grabs a buggy that was near by. (that's just what I call it some people call it a cart)

I keep looking at couches for about 5 minutes then sam comes back

"Sam what's all this?" I ask

"Stuff for our bed" she smiles

"And what about the extra stuff?" I ask

"Oh well this is my stuff animal I also got you one that matched" she says

I smiles and kiss her and say thank you

"Oh I need to get one more thing" she says and runs off

"Well hurry up I need help lifting thos couch" I say

She nods and keeps running

I wait for her and she comes back 3 minutes later

"What's that big glass bowl for and why are there 3 bags of candy in it" I ask

"A candy bowl for the house silly" she giggles

"Your so cute" I say

"Ok one two three lift!" I say

We both lift and get the couch in the buggy

"We should make a group call with the group" sam suggested

"Yea let do that once we get set up" I say


after we get home we start painting the walls

We got one wall done and are half way done with the 2nd wall and my face has paint scattered on it and my cloths have paint on them

"Babe how are you already dirty" anika ask me

"I don't know" I shrug

Then I do a dramatic gasp

"What what are you ok what happened" anika panics

"We should get a dog!" I say

"Mindy meeks Martin" she says while putting a hand on her hip

"If it makes the situation any better before you talk I think you look really hot and pretty right now with paint on you and you standing on the steps" I say

"Thank you and you weren't in trouble what I was gonna say was that we can't get a dog right now we have to worry about getting the house done and we have to worry about the wedding we start planning the wedding tomorrow by the way" she says

"Aww well when can we get a dog?" I pout

"Mabey after the wedding" she says


Then we get back to painting


I huff as I get done putting and organizing everything in my room

After I go check on ethan to make sure he's done

"Dude what the hell" I say

"What?" He says

"Why is there a freaking snake in here" I ask

"Well I went to the pet store and got stuff a snake needed then got a tank then got a snake" he explains

"Well it looks cool what it's name?" I ask

"Nate" he says

"Ok well I'm gonna go check on liv" I say

"Ok bye" he says

I walk to livs room

"Hey you done?" I say

"Yep just finished" she says

"I'm about to make food what do you want?" I ask

"French fries" she says

I nod and go make them


"Hey baby I just got the bed done you done with the candy bowl?" She ask

Eveytime she calls me that it makes my heart jump

"Yes I just finished!" I say excitedly

"Well wanna come look at the bed?" She ask

"Well duh" I laugh

"I LOOKS AMAZING" I yell as I plop on the bed

She plops down next to me

I lean in and kiss her and we both smiles I pull back

She grabs my face and kisses me I slowly climb ok top of her

I hover over her still kissing

"What about the group call?" She says in-between kissing

"They can wait" I say

And we keep making out



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