gender reveal

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"Hey baby you ready to go?" I ask anika

"Yep are you" she ask

We're about to go to ethans house because he planned our gender reveal

At ethans house we're also going to figure out sam and jills baby gender

Since I was pregnant me and anika couldn't do sam and Jill's reveal for them we felt really bad but Tara and amber are doing sam and Jill's at ethans house today also

Me and sam wanted to do ours the same day

"Yea but I need help" I say to anika

"With what babe?" She ask

"I can't get my shoes on" I say

"Ok let me help you then we can leave" she says

I smile

We go to the living room

She puts my shoes on for me

She kisses my stomach then my lips

"Let's go" she says

We link out hands and get in the car and drive off

(BTW mindy is 8 months and sam is 9)


"Hey cutie" I say as I walk and stand behind sam

"Hey babe" she says

"You ready?" I say

"No I can't find a shirt that fits" she says

I frown a little

"It's ok baby don't be sad I can help you" I say

She smiles

"Here try this" I say giving her my shirt

She's only a little bit taller then tara so she's alot smaller then me so that shirt should be baggy on her

"See its perfect" I smile

"Thanks babe" she says and kisses me

I kiss her stomach then her

Then we leave


"Guys I already Said of your team boy put a blue shirt on and of your team girl put a pink shirt on" I say pointing at the tabel I put shirts on

"Ok calm down eth" sidney says

"No it has to be perfect it's my best friends gender reveal" ethan says

"And it's also my sister's" tara says

"And my sister inlaws" amber says

"I know but you guys are taking it very seriously" quinn says

"IT is serious!" Me tara and amber all say

"Ok well the girls are here so get ready" liv says

"Hey guys" sam says

"Hey so shirts are over there" I smile and hug sam and jill

"Ok" Jill says

They walk over and put a shirt on

"Hey eth" mindy says

"Hey mins"i hug her

"Hey ani"i say hugging her

"So when do we start?" Anika says

"Right after you put your shirt on" I say

They smile and go put on a shirt

I stand by the conftie canons

"Ok so Jill will pop her and Sam's confetti" tara says

"And anika will pop her and mindys" I say

"Ok so who's all team girl for sam and jill" amber says

Tara,me,mindy,tatum,jill all raise our hands

"And who's Team boy?" Tara ask

Liv,quinn,anika,sidney,amber, sam all raise our hands




"Three!" Tara says

They pop it and it's pink

"WHOOOOO" Jill jumps

Her and Jill hug and kiss

We all celebrate

Now its time for anika and mindys reveal and me her and anika have a huge surprise

"Ok guts before we do this me anika and ethan all have something to say now before you ask why only ethan knows it's because he's the one that was planning the reveal so he had to know" mindy says

"Can I say it please" anika says jumping up and down impatiently

"Yes babe u can say it" mindy smiles

I smile

"WERE HAVING TWINS" anika yells

The group yells and jumps in excitement

"Ok let's see what they are tho" I say excited

"Ok so for baby number 1" I say

"It's a....."

Anika trys to pop it

"How the heck did you pop this are you the hulk jill" anika says struggling to pop the confetti canon

We all laugh

"Here let me help" I say

I twist it and it pops

"ITS A BOY!!" Jill screams

"WHOOOO" liv calls out

We all get excited and anika jumps around

"Ok baby number 2" I say

I hand it to anika and hold it with her

We both twist it

"ITS A GIRL" anika calls out

She jumps around

She hugs and kisses mindy


Then we all eat cake


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