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me and mindy are spending our last day before we can't see eachother for a whole day because of our wedding

"I'm so nervous" she says

"What why?" I ask

"What if I fall walking down the aisle or accidentally miss your finger and drop the ring" she says

I laugh a little

"You Won't babe I promise" I say

"Ok well I'm also nervous because rember how the group said they had something planed for who is going to walk me down the aisle since my dad passed" she says

I nod

"What if it's something bad" she whispers

"So what M it won't stop us from getting married and also it will be a funny memory later" I say

"Right ok um I bored can we do something fun!" She smiles

"Like what?" I say brushing my hands through her hair

"Can you do my hair Then we can watch movies with a bunch of snacks" she smiles like a little kid

"Yes of course baby!" I say

"What do you want me to do to your hair" I ask

"2 braids" she says

"Ok come here" I say

I grab under her arms and pull her up into my lap

I start doing her hair

"Ow!" She says very over dramticly

"Sorry there was a tiny knot" I say

After I finish I pat her shoulders

"Kk all done baby" I say

She turns to face me

And just stares at me then smiles and kisses me

I grab her face and kiss back

She grab my neck and she pushes me backwards

We both smile into the kiss

"We need to go to the store to get candy" she says pulling away and getting up on top of my lap

"Such a tease" I whisper

"What was that?" She says

"I said you such a tease" I smile

She just smiles

"I love you" I say

"I love you too but do you know what else I love" she says

"What?" I say confused

"Candy and other snacks so let's go get some" she says pulling me to the door

We get outside and get in the car

And mindy is obviously a passenger princess

So I get in the driver

And she gets her Playlist and music ready

"Ready to go?" I ask

"Yep" she says

I put my hand on her thigh and one hand on the steering wheel

And we get to the gas station

"What candy should I get babe?" She ask

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