old times

36 2 0


"Hey baby" she says to me as I plop on the couch next to her

"Hey baby you feeling better?" I ask her

We tried for a baby we went to the doctor and they injection the stuff to make her pregnant they have this thing where even tho we're both girls they we will have the genes of both of us so we didn't need a doner

It ended up working and she's pregnant right now!

Not even a month Right now but once she's 4 months we get to tell our friends and family

She starts crying

"What's wrong baby?" I ask creasing her face

Her pregnancy hormones have been very messy

"I'm so stupid" she sobs

"What baby no your not what happened?" I say scooting closer to her

"What type of future mom names her cat jelly" she crys

I chuckle a little

"It's a very cute name babe" I say

She just keeps crying

"Hey baby look how about we talk about baby names to cheer you up" I say

She nods

"What if it's a boy?" I say

"Ummmm mabey ooo let's name it ethan after we'll...ethan" she says

Her and ethan have always been super close

"And if it's a girl?" I say holding her

"Definitely luna" she says

I smile



today's the day we tell our friends and we are surprising anika and mindy by letting them plan the gender reveal

"Ok so guys I need some pictures for my office wall at work so I'm gonna take some but one at a time ok" I say

"Ok first is taraand amber" I say

Tara comes out of the house with amber  while the rest stay in the house

"Ok so on the count of three say cheese" I say looking at amber tara and sam through the lenses of the camera

Sam lifts up her shirt to show her bump

"Omg it's so hot out here" sam says to get there attention

"Holy shit" amber says

"HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD" tara says

"Ur pregnant!" They both says

"Yes!" Sam says

"I'm totally gonna be the fun aunt" tara says

"Ok but when u go in the house don't tell them" I say

They nod and are smiling super hard

I go to the door

"Next is sidney and tatum" I say

They come out the house

"Ok stand by sam" I say

They stand by her

She lifts up her shirt

"This shirt is very uncomfortable"she says

Tatum and sidney look at her


(Guys her bump isn't really big)

"Oh my god how far" sidney says

"5 months"sam smiles

I smile looking at them

"Ok when u go in the house don't tell anyone" sam says

"Ok cya sam bye jill" they both says

I go to the door

"Next it ethan quinn and liv" I say

They get up and come out the house

"Say Sam's pregnant" I say as they smile

Just as I took the photo ethan makes a shoked face and it catches it

"That's gonna be so funny" I say

"Wait for real your lieing are you joking" ethan says

"The baby is gonna love my pink hair " liv says

"How far long" quinn says

"5 months" I say

"When u go in the house don't tell them" sam says

They say ok

I go to the door

"Ok mindy and anika" I say

They come out

"Ok say we're happy to be aunts" I say

"Wha-" anika says

"HOLY SHIT" mindy cuts her off

"SHES PREGNANT" mindy yells

"OMG" anika yells

"But guys.....between me and anika and you guys so am i" mindy says and lifts up her shirt

"Whoa how far?" Sam ask

"4 months" mindy smiles

"Oh and guys of ur up for it could you mabeu do our gender reveal" sam ask

They smile


"We were gonna tell the group right now because we don't want s big reveal but ethan is gonna do our gender reveal" anika says

"So our baby's are gonna be one month apart" mindy says excited

We go into the house

"So guys me and mindy have an announcement" anika says

Mindy lifts up her shirt

"Im pregnant " she smiles

"OM MY GOD" ethan yells

"And ethan were want you to plan our gender reveal" mindy says

"YEA TAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKERS" he jumps up and down exicted

We smile

Then me sam and the group all hang out like old times



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