a bonding group

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Me anika and Jill are meeting each other's friends today

First we are meeting Jill's

"So guys this is tatum and wes" Jill says

Wes waves to us

"Holy shit ur solmate if my friend!" I say looking at tatum

"SHUT UP NO WAY" the blond hair girl yells

"Can I also come meet ur friends so I can meet my solmate" she ask

I say yes and I can see anika catching slight glances at me I smile at that

Next we are meeting my friends

"So guys this is quinn" I say pointing to her

"That's ethan her brother they are platonic solmates" I say pointing to ethan

"That's my brother chad" I say pointing to chad

"And that's his girlfriend liv" I say pointing to liv

"And that's sidney" I say looking at tatum

I see sideny look at me smile and look at tatum

Tatum sits next to sidney

" I'm gonna stay here you guys go withoit me" she says

We walk away to meet anikas friends

"By the way Jill my friend is ur solmate" anika says

"WHAT!?" She says

"You could not have told Me that sooner" she says

"SORRY" anika says

I laugh making anika smile

We get to anikas friends

"That's tara Sam's younger sister" she says pointing to a shorter girl

"And that's sam Tara's older sister" she adds

"Guys this is mindy my solmate I met her in deation" she says

I smile and wave they do the same back

"And guys this is Jill" she says smirking at sam

Sam flicks her off

Jill goes to sit by sam

Tara looks at them disgustingly as if there making out and walks away

Me and anika smile

"I was thinking mabey if you would want to go out tonight...?" Anika ask me

"As in like a date?" I ask shly

"U-um yea" she says nervous

"Yea of course" I smile she smiles back

We look to see Tara make it to the end of the hall then she turns around and start running super fast back to us

Me,jill,sam,anika all look at her super confused

"Holy shitttt" she says laughing nervously

"What!?" Sam says

"I just saw amber freeman MY SOLAMTE" she says

"Holy shit" Jill says laughing

"Well u have to talk to her!" I say

"Yea ur right when should i?" Tara ask

"When ur walking out the school at the end of the day go up to her" anika says

"Ok!" Tara sqeals

"Bye I have to go" she adds

We say bye and she runs off


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