family day

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"GET HIM OUT" I yell after mindy passed out

Ethan and amber grab him and get him out the hospital

He trys to barge into the room



The twins start crying

"Crap" I say

I hold them in my arms

Ethan gets him out

We see him walking out the hospital

About an hour later Jill and Sam go to there hospital room and the group goes home

I smile at Mindy then the kids knowing this is my future

------2YEARS LATER------


"Ethan come here!" I say frustrated

"No" he giggles running around the house

"We have to get you dressed" I say

He just laughs running away again

"We can go to the park if you come" I say

He runs to me

I pick him up and tickle him

"Sorry no park today" I laugh

He frowns

"Mabey tomorrow" I say

"We are getting dressed to go to dinner remember?" I say putting his shorts on

He jumps in excitement

I smile

"Ok eth you can go watch TV with Ella while we wait for mama to get home" I smile

They go sit on the couch watching paw patrol

I huff of exhaustion after chasing him around for 10 minutes

I go upstairs to get ready

I put on a black dress that stood at the bottoms of your thighs

I put in some earrings

Then some new clean white air forces

Then I feel hands around my waist

"Hey babe" Mindy says

"Hi you ok?" I ask

"Yea just a long day what about you and the kids?" She ask me

"It was good but frustrating " I giggle

"You ready to go to Jill and Sam's house?" I ask her

"Yea and see the group and our nieces and nephews" Mindy says

I turn around and kiss her


"Luna" I say

She comes running in

"What were you doing sweetie" I say to her

"Kitty" she says

"She loves our cat jelly so much" Sam says running in also

I giggle

"You ready to see your aunt's and uncle and cousins Luna?" Sam ask her

She smiles and nods

Then there's a knock at the door

"I wonder who that is" I say happily

"'s uncle Ethan!" Sam says laughing

Luna runs into his arms

Luna likes Ethan the most out of the whole group

"Hey tiger" he says to her

Then the doorbell rings

And it's quinn and liv

"Heyyyy" quinn says

"Hi my babyyyy" Liv says

Luna runs up and hugs both of them

We wait for a little then there's a knock

"Auntie m and auntie ani?" Luna says

I nod smiling

We open the door and little Ethan and Ella run inside to sit on the couch with there aunts and uncle ella with to Ethan and little Ethan went to Sam

I smile as Luna jumps into Anika and Mindy's arms

"Did Anyone text you to see if they are gonna be late?" Sam says coming over to us holding little Ethan

"No" ani smiles as she holds Luna

Then there's a knock

We open it and it's Tara and amber


Sam runs to Tara and they hug

As Sidney and Tatum walk through the door greeting and hugging everyone

"Im gonna go start the grill" Ethan says

We nod

"I will help set up the pool" Mindy and amber says

"And I will play with these little guys" Sam says I'm a baby voice to the kids and the cat


"I'll be right back" I smile

I walk to the bathroom

I use it then I go to wash my hands but I see a glimpse of somthing on my neck

I look a little harder

"What the fuck?"



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