blossoming into love and life with a wise person

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"I'm so exited but so nervous and so sad" sam says

"It's gonna be ok I promise we're all going to the same college we will be ok" I say

Yep the while group got accepted into Harvard University

Even liv and chad but whatever

And today was graduation me and the group were sad leaving the school we hung out at for 4 years but that's life

Right now the group is all meeting at my place to get ready for graduation

And mindy got valedictorian so she has to prepare a speech but I'm pretty sure she gots it she always had everything sorted out me and he became very close We are like best friends now im so proud of her

Me and sam make a snack for the group and us and wait for them go arrive


Me and tara are preparing for Jill's house to get ready for graduation we all got accepted into Harvard University and we were all very exited but before we left me and tara wanted to talk about our past few years together

"Do you think we will graduation college?" Tara ask

"Yea I think we got this" I say

"I know we do" she smiles and grabs my hand

We we intertwined our fingers and smiled and got in the car


"Hey mindy you ready?" I say walking into the room

I see her crying with her head in her hands

"Oh hey babe yea let's go" she says quick ly sniffling and wiping her tears

"Wait baby whats wrong?" I say sitting next to her putting my hands on her shoulder

"I just I'm scared for graduation and my speech and what if I fall if stage or something" she rants

"Babd look at me" I say

She stops ranting

"I think your scared of moving on in life and progressing into the next chapter of our life" I say

"Yea....your probly right" she whispers

"Well dont worry...were all going to the same college and you never know we could be roomies or you and Jill could be but's gonna be ok and we're gonna stay in touch with the group were gonna be ok I promise" I say hugging her

She hugs back and wipes her tears into my shirt

"Sorry" she says wiping my shirt

"It's fine baby don't worry I've done it to u before" I smile

"Do you ever rember our prom radomly?" She ask

"Almost every day" I smile

*************FLASH BACK************


prom was coming up and I was really hoping anika would ask me because im to scared to ask even tho we've been together for like 3 years

Me, Jill and tara all wanted to be asked by our girlfriends


Today was the day me anika and amber planned to ask our girls to prom

Anika was gonna hold up lego flowers she built and her sign was gonna day "Lego to prom together?" I thought it was really cute

Amber didn't tell us what she was doing

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